Monday, March 21, 2011

It's a good thing schadenfreude doesn't have calories, 'cause I'd weigh 300 pounds.


  1. This one has goes right along with it.

    Gerry ( Motown Monday)

  2. Don't worry. Barry will be home in a few days, declare "Mission Accomplished", the Lamestream Media will move on to whether Charlie Sheen is going to Bail Out Lindsey Lohan, and all will be well. Meanwhile, the new North African Peacekeeping Force will shift from being the old IFOR in Kosovo as soon as the end of their tour is up, (which should should be at Xmas, just like Clinton and Dole promised). They'll be coordinated by SHAEF Headquarters, which (thank God!) we won't have to disband when Hitler is Finished, correct?

    By the way, how's those Peace Talks at Panmunjon going?

  3. The health of the State, indeed.

  4. News Flash! Tzar Putin is now screaming that the UN Resolution does NOT allow the Coalition to Ensure French Farmers can get Cheaper Diesel for their Tractors than Russian- Iranian Oil (CEFFCDTRIOFOR) to Bomb Innocent Libyan S.S. Troops, and the West is nothing but a Bunch of Crusaders trying to gain Land for their own Colonial Expansionism!

    No comment yet from the Georgian Government.

  5. Did Michelle ban all those calories?
    What kind of cup-cakes does a Nobel peace-prize winning missile-launcher eat?

  6. War. Hunh.

    Good god, son!

    Well, it's cool. O is not W. That makes it all better, right?

  7. Am I the only one who could swear that's Charlie Murphy singing?

    War is a helluva drug...


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