Sunday, March 20, 2011

Overheard in the Office:

Me: "P.J. O'Rourke has a Twitter account? Whoooooo!"

RX: "Tamara will be in her bunk."


  1. Hope she puts on her Bionic Thumbs. I think there's going to be a lot of Carpal Tunnel and Eyestrain appearing in Indy soon.

  2. "RX: "Tamara will be in her bunk.""

    Oops, must be a typo.. Here, fixed it for you:

    RX: "Tamara will be in her bunker."

    Holy crap, wv is "myzedrel". Think I read that on this blog before...

    Al T.

  3. That's a shame. No matter how interesting/funny/awesome the writer, twitter will infect them with its lameness. Our host included, I'm sorry to say. If it's worth saying, it's worth not squoshing into 140 characters.

  4. Kip,

    Sorry, but I've come to the conclusion that Twitter is great for quips and throwaway one-liners that just aren't worth building a two-paragraph post around.

    One thing I've started using it for is as a repository for snippets I leave in the comments sections of other blogs. If it made me chuckle, I'll copypasta is over to my Twitter account.

    Best of all, paying attention to Twitter is completely optional!

  5. No need to apologize, Tam, te absolvo. I don't really dig on quips and one-liners if they're not embedded in something larger, but à chacun son goût, I reckon.

    Sure, I don't need to inflict twitter on myself, but I always get my hopes up - this time, this time the writer I love WON'T be 500% lamer on twitter - and then they are dashed. Everybody lets you down in the end.

  6. Tam = Jayne? Yeah, I can see that.

  7. Kip, Te Absolvimus, I forgive ;-)

  8. I can see it now. Tam moves from crapphone to crackberry to be able to spot PJ's every move.

    Or not, as the case may be.

  9. Anon, not sure if that's a correction or an offer of absolution. But if it's the former, "absolvimus" is the first person plural - "we forgive".

    If it's the latter and you're speaking on behalf of the group, gratefully accepted.

  10. Which means that Tamara has a Twitter account. The mind boggles at the possibilites.

    By the by, Twitter turned five years old today.

    Twitter: Helping impulsive comments to get people in trouble with their jobs since 2006.

  11. what of the hiaku?
    because it is so concise
    are the words untrue?

  12. R people who twitter twits?

  13. Am I doin' it wrong? I get "Sorry, that page doesn't exist." when I hit the link.


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