Sunday, March 20, 2011

There's just no pleasing some people...

The Arab League, the very folks who were originally clamoring for a "No-Fly Zone" over Libya to protect civilians from Kha... Qa... Gaddafi's army, is now protesting the airstrikes on Libya:
"From the start we requested only that a no-fly zone be set up to protect Libyan civilians and avert any other developments or additional measures," Mussa added.
Apparently they flipped out when cruise missiles, anti-radiation missiles, and laser-guided bombs started pounding Libyan ADA sites, airfields, and command & control facilities.

"We didn't mean that kind of no-fly zone!" comes the Arab League response. What did you think we were going to use to ground the Libyan air force? Drum circles and folk songs?

You know what? Screw these people. While all our armed forces are in the neighborhood, we should just seize the oil fields and the pumping facilities, and let them go back to arguing about which one of Mohammed's cousin-in-law's nephew's brothers is the real Caliph out in the desert someplace.


  1. Part of the arguement is where it is to be based. Seems the original site of Baghdad is highly prized. Course all the oil in Lybia runs France. Let them run the mess.

  2. If we had nuclear reactors in our backyards, we won't even need their oil.

    Shootin' Buddy

  3. Yeah, I saw that and nearly busted a gut laughing.

    WV: "sitstil" -- Hey, you guys asked us over, now sitstil while we do the job you begged us to take.

  4. Of course they knew what would happen. It's their subjects who didn't know, and who now have to be placated, lest they start rioting too. Meanwhile, the same rulers who are howling in public, are privately communicating perfect satisfaction to Sarkozy, Cameron, and Obama.

    Was there ever an Arab ruler who honestly gave a rat's ass about his own civilians, much less Qaddafi's?

  5. Isn't that almost what Ann Coulter said right after 9/11?


  6. It isn't right for Westerners to kill Muslims! The Muslims can handle that just fine without us.


  7. Shooting Buddy, I hate to admit it, but the French are about the only people in the world who do the nuclear thing right, with a concurrent lack of desperation for imported oil the rest of us can only envy.

    They designed a reactor (actually, they scaled up submarine reactor, designed to withstand depthcharging) and built a plant around it designed for worst case scenarios, like being placed directly on a major fault line.

    Interestingly, they swiped the design of the American Embassy in Mexico City for their primary model. It floats on a hemisphere (Mexico City is built on a swamp), and in the event of an earthquake, all it loses are landlines for electricity, natural gas, and sewage, all of which have backups inside the bowl.

    Tres expensif, but they got their money back through economy of scale, as they built scores of the things. As a result, they primarily use imported oil for auto fuel, and have most of their electricity produced comparatively cheaply.

    Something about a broken clock twice a day.

    To be fair, they also spend a lot more time sneaking commandoes into bad places and blowing things up than anybody else except us and maybe the Israelis, and they have pretty much the only functional military left in Europe.

    Sadly, the Brits still turn out fine soldiers, but very few of them, and until the new fleet carriers come on line the Royal Navy has been downsized to more of a Coast Guard than anything else.

  8. WEll, a no-fly zone should be enforced by asking pilots in the air there for their license and registration.

    If you shoot, even if you miss the projectiles/casings/missiles will fall - potentially on civilians. This just gets worse if you score a hit.

  9. Like I said:

    "Protect the flow of dead dinosaurs by whatever means necessary, and let allah sort out the rest.

    Then blame it on Bush.


    11:51 AM, March 18, 2011"

    To which I would only add, addressing those AL scum..."you next".

  10. The land belongs to the Caliph^H^H^H^H^H^H Arab League but the sky belongs to Allah^H^H^H^H^H the damned U.S. Air Force."

    @#$% blogger won't accept DEL tags ...

  11. LOL- Obviously the Arab League doesn't understand ENFORCEMENT of No-Fly Zones... FIRST rule is make the air safe for YOUR jets, THEN enforce said No-Fly Zone...

  12. "What did you think we were going to use to ground the Libyan air force? Drum circles and folk songs?"

    Considering our C in C, I imagine that's JUST what they thought.

    WV: Crodpoty. I'm not going there.

  13. But it's not the good kind of No-fly zone, It's the evil vagocratic kind

  14. So was there a Congressional mandate for Obama to go to war? I admit I haven't been following the news from the mideast lately.

    (I am too busy screaming at the coverage of the "what might happen in a worst case scenario that could cause Godzilla to come up on the beach, but you know hasn't actually happened yet and probably won't happen in Japan.)

  15. As of this moment, the Arab League grabbed their Hippie Whiners a couple of hours ago, took their Teleprompters away from them, beat on them in the Drum Circle and said "Never mind, Western Civilization, just keep on doing what you've been doing". Perhaps they decided to change their minds when that flight of F-18's went over their heads on the way to the War Zone?

  16. I suggest an offer be made to Gaddafi. An old Pan Am 747 to take him, his family, entourage and remaining mistresses to a safe haven. Maybe Venezuela. Then at around 40,000 ft.......

  17. loren, they're his remaining NURSES! Also masseusses and stuff. Ask them, they'll tell you.

  18. You sent out a call for team America and now you complain? Heh. World policing is hard. Don't like how we do it? Spend some of your own blood and treasure. Handle your our own fricking business for a change. That would be refreshing. It would be nice if we could take five and actually deal with pressing threats of our own like our debt problem, and unsecured border, piracy, etc.

  19. Obviously the Arab League doesn't understand ENFORCEMENT of No-Fly Zones... FIRST rule is make the air safe for YOUR jets, THEN enforce said No-Fly Zone...

    Shhhh! Don't tell them that, it'll make the job of the IAF much harder during the next Arab-Israeli war.

  20. "The Arab League, the very folks who were originally clamoring for a "No-Fly Zone" over Libya now protesting the airstrikes on Libya"

    Just like the Global Warming freaks where everything that Western Civilization does causes Global Warming (tm), The Shithole Middle-Easterner Tyrants will say anything that happens (or doesn't happen) in the Middle-East which causes death and destruction is the fault of Western Civilization.

    From Palestine to Iraq to Afghanistan to Pakistan... they will spin it as all our fault. Anything. The westerners are total idiots who don't understand the 'root of the problem'

    Well, I know what the 'root of the problem is'. It is a:

    Total Mind fuck.

    This would the the tactics of your worst enemies in the office place. They can't kill you physically, so they will kill you in 'other' ways.

    Voice of experience (15 years...) on this one.

  21. We've always halted our Depressions by making depressions in far lands...

  22. Libya, oh Libya, say, have you bombed Libya?
    Libya The Home of Gaddafi.
    He's the man that folks abhor so,
    and his corpse-o even more so.

  23. @North


    "And proudly above, flies the Red, White, and Blue,"
      Who can DO a lot to Libya!"

  24. You know I see a long term problem here.

    Everyone paying attention knows the US is damned if they do and damned if they don't, and it doesn't much matter that they are do ing and don'ting. Pick a topic.

    Eventually the US will really stop caring what anyone else thinks.

    This is what history will call the the "Imperial Phase". You all may want to duck and cover.


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