Saturday, March 05, 2011

That was scary.

I had a dream that I went to Chicago, except it was a weird Chicago that flooded daily, and the buildings could all be hydraulically raised to keep them out of the floodwaters. In my dream, Og was trying to talk me into moving there to take this job. Also, I met Rahm Emanuel and he was a nice guy, which is how I knew I was dreaming; the John Hancock building being raised 100' on giant hydraulic pistons seemed plausible, but an affable, likable Rahm was obviously a figment of my imagination...


  1. All the politicians I've met in person had the ability to turn on the charm when needed, it's one of the job skills. Rahm Emanuel is a politician, and arguably a successful one. Just don't look him in the eyes too long.

  2. You must have heard the water filling the basement while you slept.


  3. They say Ted Bundy was an awful nice guy too.

    Flooded or not, Chicago sucks.

  4. OK, I'm claiming a win here, and there were no pizzas with odd ingredients involved: my dream last night was about encountering a gutted deer who talked to me, insisting he not be shot because I didn't think a gutted deer could live. Everyone with me argued about whether the deer should or should not be killed, during which discussion the deer left the scene, with us still arguing about whether or not to shoot the deer.

    I'm sure there's some sort of deep psychological meaning in all that, but I have absolutely no clue what it might be.

    I'm going back to the weird-food pizzas immediately - those dreams I can figure out, and it's not caused by the pepperoni.

    I will admit, however, your Chicago dream comes in a close second to talking gutted deer.

  5. "a weird Chicago that flooded daily, and the buildings could all be hydraulically raised to keep them out of the floodwaters"

    Was there a flushing sound involved and a jiggling of handles ? Did the waters of Lake Michigan flow clock-wise or counter-clockwise ?

    Being Chicago the really big politcos probably float all by themselves.

  6. I'd be looking at what I ate last night and changing the menu...

  7. Tam,

    The flooding is Change. The raising and lowering of buildings is a symbol of resisting - denying - the need to change.

    And the nice Rahm Emanuel was really you, in a position of authority. And ready to deal with the need for change.

    I might guess about what the change is about.

    This might be about that unseen and misreported issue - where politicians have kept Chicago a Disarmed Victim Zone; the job you are being enticed with is a request for your support to correct the invitation to corruption and tyranny, not to mention an infamous history of organized crime, that DVZs create.

    I don't think you are castigating yourself, yet, for not sending money to support overturning the handgun and weapon bans in Chicago. But an expression of disapproval for the current dangerous state of affairs might let you sleep better.

  8. Madam: I am offended. I have spent a lifetime trying to get people to move OUT of that socialist shithole. A friendly, congenial Rahm is far more of a reality. ;)

  9. "A pinch of mustard, a crumb of cheese", as Dickens wrote.

  10. Couldn't suspend disbelief that far in a dreaming state?

  11. If you shake Rahm's hand, look down to check your wrist and make sure your own hand is still there.

  12. Sounds more like a nightmare.

  13. Actually like to visit Chicago. Great most everything and if I had a ton of money living in one of those Loop high rises just off the lake would be real nice. Been to several and those folk do enjoy their lives. They never seem to encounter the problems the politicians cause. When the weather gets too shitty, they fly off somewhere warm and civilized.
    Richard Daley the first ran the place like a mafia don. Kept the lid on and made it a decent place for the middle class at least. Might not have been a democracy but then democracy is really just a way for the the governed to think they have a say in how things are run. That is unless you think a 3 term Republican congressman is different form a Democrat.

  14. I like Chicago - have been there multiple times for various conventions. Great food, great shopping, great museums. But it has always been springtime - not winter.

    But taking into account Chicago's checkered past politics wise...Emanuel will fit in there nicely ( if he can ever get his sh*t together. )

  15. Oh, Rahms probably affable a "creepy uncle" sort of way.

  16. "( if he can ever get his sh*t together. )"

    Hm. Gollum managed to get the most worthless human being in North America elected president of the United States; I think he has his shit in one very expensive sock.

  17. Did my Boot Camp in Chicagoland. That's enough time spent there for the rest of my life. I even try not to fly through its various crappy airports. So far, so good.

  18. "I think he has his shit in one very expensive sock."

    Well played, Sir. Well played!

    *seriously unladylike snort*

  19. 100' huh? That's rather a lot isn't it? Of flodding I mean.

    Ah, so you're saying that Rahm Emanuel is nice compared to the catastrophic results of global warming. I see. -- Lyle


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