Monday, March 21, 2011

Why I've had a big dumb grin on my face for the last three days...

Do you know what this is? This is the Last Hurrah of the Vietnam-protesting Baby Boomers. Those poor gray-haired bastards pulled their dusty love beads and tie-dyed banners out of the closet for one last charge into the breach to get Barack Obama elected and here we are, not three years later, lobbing cruise missiles at wogs. If irony had calories, I wouldn't need solid food for the next three months...

Awww, who's the sad clown? Who's the sad clown?

Is there any wine sweeter than the tears of a hippie?


  1. Well, if the Left is as tribal as they seem, they'll simply ignore it. Like feminists excusing Bill Clinton's philandering, a lot of folks are less invested in their long term goals, rather than their tribe.

  2. War and Golf. Pull out the Big Bertha and hit those long curving t-shots. Like gin and tonic they go together well, especially down at the country-club - or even in the faculty-lounge...

  3. Err, that last comment was me. Stupid Blogger is not being very friendly lately ...

  4. Nobel Peace Prize, anyone?

    Man, they gave one of those ratty ol' things to motherfuckin' Yasser Arafat. They clearly don't mean shit. Or at least not anything even vaguely resembling what you'd think they meant based on the name.

    Hell, they're so misleadingly named they could almost be considered as ridiculous as American Congress bill titles.

    WV: "colousle" -- What a colousle fuckup.

  5. Hey now.

    Being gray-haired and a bastard does not make one a hippie.

    Just ask me...or P.J.


  6. "If irony had calories, I wouldn't need solid food for the next three months..."

    CLASSIC GRADE "A+" SNARK, right there folks. It just don't get any better than that...

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  7. I won't deny having had a ton of fun these last two days posting comments on the news forums where liberals tend to dominate. They don't know how they're supposed to react, because their designated thinkers--Soros, Moore and Huffington--can't agree among themselves.

  8. If irony had calories, I wouldn't need solid food for the next three months...

    Problem is that much like The Mocha Buffoon, they are empty... calories.

    Plus they have the terrible side effect of being paid for by US servicemen

    Not terribly funny when you think about it.

  9. Joseph,

    If you can't laugh when they're puttin' the noose around your neck, when can you laugh?

  10. what end?

    There's a hypocrisy force field emitted by patchoulli. This'll bounce right off, just like the rest of it.

  11. How about Dem tears when they get slaughtered in the next election?


  12. Yasser Arafat

    Yeah, but he only killed Joooooos!!!! Don't you know that's a plus in their book?

  13. I LOVE you!

    For several days, I've been conga-ing around the house singing "when my country goes to war I go to Rio!" (sung to the tune of "I go to Rio!"

    Yeah, I've giggled a bit my ownself and drunk deep draughts of sweet, sweet hippie tears.

  14. Obama has racked up more kills than any other Nobel Peace price winner in history.

    We need youtube videos of them Libyans gettin all blowed up ... that way we can post links of Obama war porn whenever the hippies open their yaps.

    "Come here little hippie ... have some sweet sweet Obama-made warporn! Doesn't it get you all excited watching it at night?"

    wv: hater ( I shit you not! )

  15. Hey, you get the Nobel Peace Prize for reducing the number of standing armies. Well it seems Dear Leader is trying to reduce the Libyan army.

    The thing I don't get is why aren't they crying about his not consulting Congress. Or maybe the left thinks the UN Security council trumps the Constitution.

    Or maybe they just don't care when it is a Dem in the White House.

  16. What is orange and red and looks so beautiful on hippies?


    (Makes them smell so much better, too).

  17. Now, now...

    There are no hippie tears because, unlike Bush's evil neo-con war for imperialism and oil in Iraq (BENCWFIAOII), this isn't a war for oil. In fact, it's not even a war at all. It's a "protective measure". Yessir, we have a responibility to protect (R2P) civilians, which is what we're doing. See? Totally not a war. We're just protecting people. And Ghaddaffi must go. Not by military force, you understand. Because, like, THAT would be a war thingy. Which this isn't. But he still has to go. Somehow. And a good government must eventually be established in Libya. I mean, that's not our goal. At least, not by force. If Ghaddaffi happens to run under a JDAM and his regime happens to be defeated by the people we're protecting (we're NOT fighting their war for them; we're just doing that UN-sanctioned, FDA-approved R2P thing)... well, that would be OK. But that's NOT our goal. Yes, OK, getting rid of Ghaddaffi IS our goal, but we're not going to MAKE him leave. Or kill him. Intentionally. Because we're not at war. Because The Dear Golfer promised categorically - CATEGORICALLY, comrades - that he wouldn't get into any stupid wars that didn't immediately and obviously involve US national security. Of course, Libya DOES involve US national security. I mean, it's pretty obvious how it does, so obvious that there's no point in going into it. However, just because it's obvious doesn't mean, again, that this is a war. Because it's not.


    So, no hippie tears for you!

  18. And we have always been at war with Eastasia...

  19. It's not a war till Geraldo Rivera and Sean Penn show up.


  20. JayG nailed it to the wall on his blog yesterday:

    They were right - they said this would all happen if I voted for McCain!

    That there's funny.


  21. I'm wearing my "I [club symbol] Hippies" tee. It's very absorbent - soaks up hippie tears nicely.

  22. "Is there any wine sweeter than the tears of a hippie?"

    Well now that was good for an instant shit-eating grin and fine round of snickering, well played!

    Re: Pachoulli

    Portland has banned scents?

    Will the real Sasquatch please put your arms down...

  23. Tam, I have to say that your snark is more enjoyable than clubbing hippies with a dead baby seal!

    Verification: Forpava: warcry shouted while clubbing said hippies.


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