Friday, April 22, 2011

From the Bureau of Economic Planning and National Resources.

Gas prices exceeding $4 per gallon or higher are "tough" for most Americans, President Barack Obama told an audience in Reno, Nevada. "We are going to make sure that no one is taking advantage of American consumers for their own short-term gain."
Boy, they are working overtime to give Atlas Shrugged that whole "ripped from today's headlines" feel, aren't they?

And what does Eric Holder have to do with this? I swear, the man is increasingly proving himself incompetent to operate anything more complex than a glass of water; I wouldn't trust him with a burnt-out match, let alone a whole Justice Department. He's gotta have juicy pictures of Obama doing something awful or he'd have been under the bus long ago.


  1. "We are going to make sure that no one is taking advantage of American consumers for their own short-term gain." Like say, Barney Frank, Harry Reid, or Barack Obama?

    I swear, that man wouldn't know Irony if it walked up to him and started humping his leg.

  2. More like Geithner and Bernanke...
    Gas prices are high. Oh poop.
    But my 401K is doing great. Yeah!
    Food prices are skyrocketing. poop.
    But McDonald's is hiring. Recovery! Yeah!
    Life is good.

  3. "I've pumped trillions of fiat dollars into the economy, inflating the US dollar and decreasing its value. I've started yet another war in the Middle East (with a country that supplies a high percentage of the oil used by France and Germany)further disrupting the world's oil supply.

    Unexpectedly, the price of gasoline is rising. I want an investigation as to whether or not someone is manipulating the market."

    Got a mirror, you collectivist twit?

  4. Because if the Ee-ville Oil Companies aren't exploiting the America People, that only leaves incompetence by Teh Won and his merry band to explain the rise in gas prices.

    Oh. Wait. George Bush is doing this to benefit his buddies in the oil business.


  5. Speculators. That's the whole of the gas price problem, and Zero says he's gonna crack down on 'em.

    And nobody jumped up and said "Hey, wait! All business is speculation (risk) low-sell high, wholesale-retail, make a know, Capitalism!"

    Nope. Right after Bo's bit, Bryan Williams and his economic expert talk about just how evil speculation is...then he ended by saying -and I was hopeful for a moment, but no such luck- "Well, we're not sure just how the president can crack down on speculators *and the outright fraud involved*!"

    FRAUD? We know where the fraud is, you stupid, smirky, socialist sycophants...and it ain't "speculators" (investors).

    Speculation, "for lack of a better word, is good." But not so good for your Boy right now, eh?


  6. "A dollar wort less than a quarter gallon of gasoline is "tough" for most Americans..."

    There, fixed it.

  7. Hey, if he throws Holder under the bus, before the tires roll over Holder might talk about Gunwalker. And he can't have that, can he?

  8. Hey, if he throws Holder under the bus, before the tires roll over Holder might talk about Gunwalker.

    Ayup. Keep your friends close, your enemies closer, and them as you can't tell for sure which is which any more...

    ...I dunno. Fort Marcy Park? Some landfill in Delaware?

  9. It's so sad to see they only have one script, it's like What's Up Tiger Lilly, re-dubbed in German.

  10. He's gotta have juicy pictures of Obama doing something awful or he'd have been under the bus long ago.

    That assumes Holder isn't doing exactly what Obama wants him to.
    Large assumption, IMO.

  11. I don't know. Holder's just one of those guys that screams "scandal waiting to happen."

  12. Remember, Holder was one of Janet Reno's Sub Capo's when she was doing her Job to BLOCK anything that might come back to hurt the Clintonista's. He's just doing the same thing for the Anointed One. I.E. Holder: "You have proof of WHAT? And You want to Prosecute? You're Fired!" Just look at his history of what he does go after, and what he won't.

  13. Les,

    If they had dirt on you, and somebody was pulling out their fingernails, which one would you trust to hold out?

    I think Reno is loathesome and I disagree with her on anything you'd care to think of, but I pay her the respect of taking her seriously.

    Holder, on the other hand, gives off the vibe that he's likely to break out in a bad case of the Bozos any minute, and I wouldn't trust him not to sell me out for a lollypop and a shiny new nickel.

  14. "He's gotta have juicy pictures of Obama doing something awful or he'd have been under the bus long ago."

    Maybe he has the Real B***h C*********e

  15. "He's gotta have juicy pictures of Obama doing something awful..."

    You mean, like Michelle?

    Oh, I'm *so* going to hell for that one...

  16. listening to Holder talk, I have to wonder how managed to pass the bar exam, much less managed to propagate a career as an attorney.

  17. When a Republican is President, every good lefty knows there is a dial marked "Gas Prices" located under the Oval Office desk. Once a Dem is elected, the dial disappears and is replaced by shadowy forces nobody understands or controls.

    For a few yucks, check out how much of the price of a gallon of gasoline goes to oil company profit. The see how much goes right to state and federal coffers. Then get back to me on who is gouging whom.


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