Friday, April 22, 2011

The Three Stooges Go To War.

Been watching any of the recent video from Libya?


Hey, Achmed! Those funny little metal things on top of your gun are there for a reason. You're not supposed to just spray randomly with the gun held at chest height and wonder if, inshallah, the bullets will hit anything.

I also liked the technical with what looked to be a jury-rigged Russian UB-16 pod for launching 57mm air-to-ground rockets mounted in the back, with a dude standing behind it holding onto what looked for all the world like a set of spade grips: Mad Max meets Rat Patrol meets The Human Torch...


  1. UB16? Didn't they sing "Red Red Wine"?

  2. This is one more reason why clowns in Al Queda like these fare so badly when they go up against our guys.

    Advantage: U.S.


  4. Send in the drones!
    (Cue Stars Wars Empire music.)
    Screw boot's on the ground.
    Sheetmetal in the sky!

  5. Sounds like a big step forward. The first few weeks, they just blasted all their ammo straight up in the air.

  6. The three stooges were entertaining.

  7. We're fighting extras from Raiders of the Lost Ark...and losing.

  8. They call it "spray and pray" for a reason...

  9. I saw the rocket pods, too...straight off of an old Hind attack helicopter.

    But you know the unsighted full auto AK fire we always see is mostly due to a camera crew showing up. The "rebels" are just standing around drinking coffee and smoking, so the "journalist" tells them, "Shoot your guns! Act like you're fighting!"

    Then they submit their reports from the "front lines."

    Boy...that used up a lot of quotation marks. Gonna need a resupply.

  10. I like the guy with the MP-38

  11. It's OK, Allah will guide their bullets and strike down the infidels. no need to aim.

  12. Rat Patrol had more of a grip on reality as the Ma Dueces tore apart the panzerkampfwagen....

  13. I'm particularly fond of the guys totin' MP38 SMGs with no ammo available. I guess the mall ninja mentality has made its way to North Africa.

  14. You're not supposed to just spray randomly with the gun held at chest height and wonder if, inshallah, the bullets will hit anything.

    A couple of my relatives have worked in Muslim (Arab) countries, and from what they've told me, spraying and praying is exactly what they're doing. If Allah wills it, they will hit their target. It's fatalism plus childish entitlement, which does a lot to explain the cultural mores in that part of the world.

  15. This isn't really from the New York Times, it's a forgery. Probably from the Gun Lobby Triangle of Death.

    Because the article seems to imply that if Libyans had access to modern small arms- like the ones the Gun Lobby says the Second Amendment gives Americans the right to- they would be able to more effectively oppose a tyrant.

    Well that is just nonsense. The GENUINE New York Times has been informing us for YEARS that modern small arms are useless and ineffective against even a poor modern military force with its air power, tanks, and organization. Taking rifles against internal security forces is a waste of time and just gets people killed.

    The GENUINE New York Times would be demanding that those weapons- some of them assault weapons and machine guns- be immediately made unlawful and confiscated!

    It CERTAINLY would NEVER suggest that unauthorized civilians should have access to even more deadly weapons, weapons with no sporting purpose at all!

    Some of them might even have shoulder things that go up!

    I swear to Christian Louboutin and William Whiting, the captcha word is


  16. Just as I was reading Joanna's reply: "... spraying and praying is exactly what they're doing. If Allah wills it, they will hit their target..." Twain's War Prayer, set to music, came through the stereo with the words: "Oh Lord, help us to tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells..." (and so forth.)

    How very odd.


  17. Joanna,

    They apply the same logic to how they drive. That's even scarier when you have to follow them in a convoy.


  18. AH, but there's 2 sides to every story. How much of the Vaunted C...G....KHaddaffi Duck's Afrika Korps do you see on the Teewee leveling a place in three days, then moving on? This isn't the Three Stooges so much as it is the Three Stooges vs. the Marx Brothers.

  19. Les,

    I was talking about all of them, yes.

  20. He only has to fire it once.

    They can get a new "gunner" after they get more rockets reloaded.

  21. I worked with the Iraqi Police for seven months, and the IP actually budgeted for what we called "happy fire" rounds.

    You get this many for training, this many for shooting at terrorists, and this many to celebrate your son's soccer victory or daughter's wedding. Don't shoot them all at once, or you won't have anymore until next month.

    If you asked them to see their magazine, they commonly only had three or four rounds for their AK.

    I imagine it's very similar in Libya. It's the "Insha Allah" school of gunfighting. In other words, it's God's will if we hit the target, so we don't need to practice or aim, just launch rounds/rockets near the bad guys.

  22. jag2955,my visit to JPTC was an eye opener along exactly these same lines.


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