Friday, May 27, 2011

Did they have to put a bridge over his desk?

So you've no doubt by now heard about the new White House "Director of Progressive Media & Online Response", right?
"For the last two years, Jesse has often worn two hats working in new media and serving as the White House's liaison with the progressive media and online community. Starting this week, Jesse will take on the second role full time working on outreach, strategy and response."
Does this job entail "liking" all positive mentions of Barry on Facebook, or what?

Seriously, it reads like the guy's job description is to be the Oval Office's official internet troll.


  1. As opposed to the legions of "unofficial" voluntary trolls, combined with the large numbers of clandestine and covert ones in various govt departments (we've certainly got some volunteer Stasi in our office, specializing in harassing fellow coworkers for improper thought and "disrespect" to the CINC)

  2. Doesn't sound like a job to me, unless the description of, "Acting like a fifteen year-old girl, 24/7," is its sole responsibility.

  3. Gets worse. His Wife (who will also be paid from our Tax dollars for this gig) is the Cretin who came up with the "Gen. BetrayUs" Smear Job back in '07 when she was working for MoveOn.Org (a subsidiary of Soros' "Open Society" World Domination Machine). Yet for some reason, people still "Poo Poo" the fact that there is a Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy out there.

  4. Liaison with the "progressive media?"

    Isn't that overly redundant?

  5. JournoList 2.0 now? Try it again, but harder.

  6. How is this not a flagrant violation of the Hatch Act?
    Or is Obamessiah above anything as mundane as obeying the law?
    Thank goodness the media are keeping close watch on wrong-doing in government.(LOL)

  7. I'm sure you posted the same thing about Bush right?

  8. Tam (remotely)2:54 PM, May 27, 2011

    Anon 2:48,

    You're new here, aren't you?

  9. Anon 2:48,

    Glad you could stop by, Jesse.

  10. Hatch what?

    Doesn't matter in the slightest. It's Obama, remember?

  11. Tam (remotely)3:52 PM, May 27, 2011

    It doesn't look like the Hatch Act would apply anyway. Part of the unofficial job of the president (and, by extension, his office) is to be the standard bearer and pompom waver for his party. It's pretty specific as to which bureaus, agencies and departments it applies.

  12. Does he report to the Ministry of Truth?


  13. ...And here it wasn't too long ago I enjoyed a bit Kathleen Madigan had mocking Mike Tyson for going broke partly because he had a guy on staff for pretty much the same thing. He'd be no better as president but at least he can fill a suit.


  14. Not that it matters much to MiniTru, but I'd at least like it if The Party at least tried to use spellchecker:

    It's big as life on their masthead too.

    As for this new position of First Sock Puppet, I've got a Buffalo Nickel that calls "Botch" in 14 News Cycles or less.

    Anyone wanna cover the "over?"


  15. Is the motto of the office "bounces off me and sticks to you?"

  16. This is just the smoke distorting the mirror that hides the "ReElect B. Hussein Obama, or Else" governmental department.

    Look how Obama is pressuring candidates already, getting them to drop out. And I still want to know how Obama "got" to Supreme Court Souter, to make a hole The One could plug Sotomayor into.


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