Monday, May 02, 2011

It strikes me as... I don't know, a little odd...

...that the commenters at Al Jazeera (English) are so much less kooky this morning than the ones at Voice of America.

I mean, generally you can count on people who believe that nice old Mrs. Cohen next door kidnaps children and bakes them into holiday cookies to come up with some exotic conspiracy theories, but they're actually pretty calm and analytical compared to the Art Bell-grade wackiness in the comments at VoA.

Elvis has not been implicated yet there, but we're only a-hundred-and-thirty-something comments in, so I'm keeping my hopes up.

Speaking of Art Bell-grade wackiness, I shouldn't sell my fellow Hoosiers short. In a comment to a story on the recent tornado outbreak, the very first commenter said:
THIS is not hard to figure out folks,this is called pole shift,this is going to happen more as we get closer to 2012 and it will get very worse then what you see happening now a hole lot worse its not climate change like they been tell you folks,,
(All spelling and punctuation left intact so you can glory in the full impact of the looniness.)


  1. This country's (and the world's) eventual doom is more likely to be due to "poll shift" than "pole shift."

  2. Shrimp may have won the internets today.

  3. If you want to read more about the pole shift (The Sahara Desert and Hudson's Bay were previous pole sites), "The H.A.B Theory" is a fun read. Um, this is a science fiction novel.

    Does lining by ball cap with copper wire in counter-wound coils count?

  4. Al Jazeera - is a surprisingly good MSM station the once or twice I've watched it. They have their biases but they are no more crappy that some other news sources that I refuse to name.

  5. The deathers want to see OBL's long form death certificate.

  6. "glory?" I do not think that word means what you think it means.

    turing word: exjrra. Osama's an ex-jrra. It doesn't matter what a jrra is, Osama's an ex-one.

  7. Yeah, I can see why a shift of magnetic poles would cause tornadoes...

    No, wait, I meant the opposite of that.

  8. "The deathers want to see OBL's long form death certificate."

    I'd have settled for a shorter form: UBL's head on a pike at ground zero.

  9. It's hard to implicate Elvis in anything these days. After all, everyone knows he's gone back to his home planet.


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