Monday, May 02, 2011

Overheard in Roomie's Bedroom:

TeeWee Announcer: "...and this is a suburb of Islamabad, the nation's capital. An affluent suburb, in fact, where many Pakistani generals live..."

RX: "And they were shocked, shocked, to find that there was gambling going on there!"


  1. A certain bearded cockroach gambled and lost.

  2. So...the solution was to send ground troops into a country other than Afghanistan?

    You know, if I'd known that he was going to keep Gitmo open, continue the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and periodically bomb Pakistan and Libya, I might've been a little less tough on Obama over these past few years.

  3. I'll tell who is shocked. Me. That they have not pulled this ruse sooner. Elsewhere I read a comment that His body has been buried at sea and the compound He was found at has been bulldozed? WTF? Really. Hmm.
    I need to check into this more...

  4. And did you see the flash mob that materializes in front of the WH cheering and waving flags. WTF?
    It's called martyrdom kid's, expect the next wave.

  5. Oh. And let Me summarize Obama's next presser.
    Mission accomplished! Now you still need to buy a smaller, more gas efficient car. Thank you.

  6. UK: What did you do over the weekend?
    US: Hunted down the world's most-warranted terrorist, inserted a 40-man SEAL team into hostile territory, and put a bullet in the MF's brainpan, you?
    UK: Came down from a week-long bender celebrating the wedding of some doode whose great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather had the biggest house on the block, back in the day.

  7. Hey, sharks need to eat too.

  8. I think even the sharks might pass on this one.

  9. RX: "And they were shocked, shocked, to find that there was gambling going on there!"

    They were such nice neighbors, quiet, always answering the muzzein's call to prayers, and didn't keep dogs, praise Allah.

  10. "Shocked, I tell you!"
    "Uh, sir, your payoff-"
    "Shh! Not now!"


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