Tuesday, May 03, 2011


  • The cover of Larry Correia's Hard Magic is pretty cool, but the woman is holding what appears to be a rubber dog turd glowing with Cherenkov radiation. While I am sure that is not what it is supposed to be, you never know with Larry.

  • Readers of internet gun forums should brace for the influx of txtspeaking members of DEVGRU, as the tens of thousands of sixteen-year-old veterans of this elite unit surface to supplant Clearasil-using SFOD-D members as the most common variant of Counterstrike Kiddie on the 'net.

  • The Indianapolis city government is still unable to get our public range open.

  • What happens if a tornado whisks your carefully-prepped bugout bag to Oz?


  1. Last time I checked, Seal Team 6 must have had about 30,000 members....

  2. The writer does not get any say on cover details. :)

  3. Darnit. I was kinda hoping for atomic dog poop. :)

  4. Atomic Dog Poop or not, it must make one's thumb grow larger than the rest of the hand. Now does that mean if I rub it on my......

  5. 'To have rubber atomic dog poop, one must have a rubber atomic dog.'
    I'm jus' sayin'

  6. I like how the media is giving the double tap this sort of mystical appeal. I heard on an ABC report about how the operator "gave the weapon a *slight pause* "double tap" of the trigger". It makes me laugh.

  7. "...if I rub it on my..."

    Les, why is your nose growing?


  8. Is it me or does she look like Breda?

  9. Guessing that the "atomic dog poo" is the artists rendition of a component to a Tesla weapon.

  10. Re the public range, as commented over at Roberta's site, since IMPD shares the range, is it possible they are having problems finding a qualified bar tender?

  11. Huh. If she's holding the poop, and it actually is glowing from Cherenkov radiation, then her super power is slow things down from near light speed to a dead stop with her bare hands

    That could come in pretty handy.

  12. That could come in pretty handy.

    Particularly if you wanted to restrain BHO from patting himself on the back for offing OBL.


  13. Who can even notice the atomic dog poop, what with that major distraction on the front cover?!?

    Clearly the guy in the back has had a failure to fire, as the bolt is closed on his Thompson Gun, and his finger is on the trigger! He needs to clear that round and get back into the fight quick! Or at least rack the bolt back so that he can get a new magazine into it.

    "The writer does not get any say on cover details. :)"

    I kinda figured, Larry. :)

  14. @Larry

    Depends on the publisher... but also on how easy it'd be for the author to tell the publisher to fuck off after an embarrasing cover.

    Some writers, like Greg Egan.. they decide what kind of cover their book will have, that it will have no blurbs, etc. He isn't a major seller, I doubt his books sell more than a 100,000 copies per book , but a lot of people like his books and buy them on sight.

    So he either talked or has browbeaten his publisher into giving in to his demands..

  15. Matt G,

    I see what you did there. :)

  16. @Les

    Trust me... it's not really good for anything except giving one a feeling of unearned smugness while showering at a the local swimming pool..

    I mean, at least most women keep swearing it doesn't matter.

  17. DEVGRU?

    Sinds kinda... commie, doesn't it?

    I mean, when it comes to acronyms, I can't decide who's better..

  18. Oops... wrong post. Sorry.

  19. When I ran my eyes over 'DEVGRU', my first thought was 'what does Soviet military intelligence have to do with...' and then I remembered that it was 2011, that there haven't been any Soviets or GRU for 20 years, and felt...old.

  20. 'To have rubber atomic dog poop, one must have a rubber atomic dog.'

    George Clinton had one of those. Dunno if said dog is still around...


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