Wednesday, May 04, 2011

There's your problem...

Pittsburgh is allegedly plagued by ninjas?

They're obviously drawn to the baseball stadium, which they think is full of their mortal enemies, turning it into a sort of giant ninja bug-zapper. Change the name of the baseball team to something like the Pittsburgh Porpoises or the Pittsburgh Pinnipeds and the ninjas will all wander off and go pester Tampa Bay. Problem solved.


  1. They even have their own youtube videos.


  2. In other words, they have a plague of douchebags dressed like ninjas.

  3. Ninjas don't leave booze behind unless it's being used as pirate bait. I'd also like to see a baseball team name itself the Ninjas, preferably a team in the central US. Why? It's the last place you'd expect to find ninjas. Omaha would be a good place for it, I think.

  4. Please oh please don't be my cousin...I mean, robbing a bank with a stick of deodorant is one thing...but this is getting ridiculous.

  5. Someone needs to call gecko45 to round them up...

  6. That's funny. I just spent a few evenings in downtown Pittsburgh and didn't notice any black clad assassins. Of course, walking around with a bunch of openly carrying NRA attendees might have deterred the fiends.

  7. I can't open the Boingboing page you linked to, but I'd say that naming them the Pittsburgh Porpoises would just get Weerd in a dissecting mood...


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