Friday, May 20, 2011

One weekend a month.

No, not the National Guard; it's that one weekend a month where the roomie gets to work strange hours and the alarm clock at Roseholme Cottage goes off at 0100, which is when civilized people are thinking about toddling off to bed, not waking up.


  1. sounds like we're about to crank the free ice cream machine up to: insanity.

  2. So, what's the problem with that? You don't go to sleep before 1 am, ordinarily, I bet.

    I mean, women also suffer less from being woken up during sleep.

    At least, certain women in my family are notorious to waking up multiple times during the night, shambling around in the dark, muttering something sleepily and then returning back to bed.. and then looking chipper in the morning.

  3. Hence the early posts....
    I'm up by 3AM 5days a week.

  4. Funny... I'm packing my stuff to go do my "one weekend a month" bit for the National Guard...

  5. When old farts have been asleep in bed for three hours already!

  6. poor Roberta!!! I work swing shifts so i understand her stress!

    Fellow sleep deprived worker


  7. So just wake roomie up before you toddle off to bed.

  8. I sympathize: days, hoots, evenings, weekends and holidays, done all that.

    Which is probably why I have such a hard time trying to sleep normal hours.


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