Friday, June 17, 2011

Ew! Eewww! Eeeeewwww!

Bluesun's recent experience at a gun show:
I'm asking to see grips at your gunshow booth and instead you ask to see my gun, go on to say that you've never heard of pocket carry, and then stuff my gun(properly cleared and zip-tied, thankfully) down the front of your pants, pronouncing "This is how We used to do it back when,"
Oh, ick! Just... ick! Can you even spell "Serious Social Boundary Violation", Cletus? (Never mind; don't answer that.)

Look, Mister Gun Show Grip Guy, that's my handgun. That means I need to touch it with my hand. And you just stuffed something I need to touch with my hand down the front of your skeevy drawers, exposing it to your nasty crotch crickets and lord only knows what else besides.

I don't know what part of you a medieval Japanese samurai would cut off if you stuffed his sword down your trousers, but I think that it would be an appropriate response to this kind of behavior at a gun show.


  1. Now, imagine that it wasn't "muzzled" with zip ties, but loaded and ready for action. Now, the reason why things have changed in concealed carry becomes painfully apparent.

    This is why I stick to long guns for now!

    Ulises from CA

  2. I thought appendix carry is all the rage with the kids with their monkey butt facial hair, their sideburns and their hipping and hopping?

    I'm so confused.

    Shootin' Buddy

  3. You don't even want to know what he considers "deep concealment" to be!

  4. As for the Samurai, I imagine him grabbing the sword's handle and giving a good stir to see what might fall out the bottom of Cletus' trousers.

  5. My ex's father shot part of his pecker off with a 45 many years ago. Also grazed the inside of his thigh. Screamed like a girl. i did NOT assist him with first aid, but i did get him to a doctor.

  6. The Pager Pal guys (or whatever they're called now) were at the NRA Annual Meeting aggressively encouraging everyone who walked by to stuff the demo holster down their pants. It got to the point of extremely uncomfortable telling them 'no thanks.' The guy asked be about 4 times to 'just try it' before I could get away. Nasty.

    Yeah, great marketing idea. Let's share a crotch holster with 70,000 other attendees who have also stuffed it down their pants.

  7. its a terrerrist plot to spread camel crotch crickets throughout amurikkka!
    wv=disynges ???

  8. Sorry, I don't see how this could happen. If I have a gun at a show that I'm not selling, it doesn't leave my possession.

  9. I can see where someone buying grips would think to let Cletus see his/her gun so that he could pickout the correct grips (given that it wasn't a standard M1911).

    That is why I like stainless steel guns. They can go into the dishwasher when I get home.

    Particularly useful with black powder cap and ball revolvers.

    wv: Faidar Special human radar that detects fairies.

    Now that is funny.


  11. I'm assuming "Mexican carry" is not politically correct anylonger?

  12. @The Pager Pal guys (mentioned earlier) frequent a huge gun show here (in Phx.)
    They approached my girlfriend, grabbed her pants at the belt line (she was sans belt) , and pulled the waist open to forcefully accommodate their product!
    My gf said if we hadn't cleared our weapons upon entrance, she's have shot him!
    It was as if they'd just opted for a little peek!

  13. I long since have stopped going to "gun shows". AS I've found them to be a way to overpay for most everything. Between the cletus's and Yuppie scum there isn't room to move.
    Now on the other hand, I've got a buddy that loves to buy guns there, then two weeks later make me a deal for a couple hundred less. Why ? Got me but he do. I tell him, Ya'll keep on going to them gun shows. So far this year I've gotten a SIG 232, SIG 250 in 45, SIG 250 in 9mm, and a stainless 10/22 all for 1100 bucks. Such a buddy seeing how he had bout 2500 into all of em.

  14. Spud,

    Why go to gun shows to buy new guns?

    On the other hand, gun shows are the place to go to buy the kinda guns I like, which you probably don't care much about.

  15. Back during the dark days of WWII, "Mexican carry" was supplemented with a loop of string that went about the belt, and then around the gun. It greatly added to security, at the cost of slower draw. If you had to dump the gun, the gunless string would be innocuous and also easily pitched.

    WV: dockshom: A home for old docks after they grow up and leave the marina.

  16. Enough to make you want to add capsicum oil to your 3-in-1 in the future.

  17. Perhaps all those old guys were in the landing craft with Tom Hanks?

  18. Tam, around here there is a weird phenomenon where some of the local gun shops show up with more inventory at the gun show than they'll show you at the store front. Never really understood it myself, and they'd deny it, but I could tell from the absence of my own fingerprints ...

    What I enjoy at gun shows are people who show up with tables full of odds and ends and stuff for me to poke through. I've long since given up trying to actually find decent prices.

  19. Eww! Now he has to sell the gun.

  20. the samurai would only unsheath his sword to draw blood. overhand cut starting around shoulder going deep into chest. or maybe separate head from torso. cletus is breeding, I only have to step outside to see proof. never trust cletus.

  21. Bob B.,

    "overhand cut starting around shoulder going deep into chest."

    The 'greater priest's robe' cut, then?

  22. "They approached my girlfriend, grabbed her pants at the belt line (she was sans belt) , and pulled the waist open to forcefully accommodate their product!
    My gf said if we hadn't cleared our weapons upon entrance, she's have shot him! "

    Wow, just wow...ya'll should have smacked them upside the head or pistolwhipped them.

  23. Bob.B:

    If he was an Iajutsu practitioner, he would just draw as the idiot grabbed the scabbard, and slice him from belly to shoulder while drawing and backing into stance.

  24. I don't think I'd hand a sidearm to someone I wasn't very familiar with unless they had the drop on me and a shooting iron of their own.

  25. [q]My gf said if we hadn't cleared our weapons upon entrance, she's have shot him! "[/q]

    [q]Wow, just wow...ya'll should have smacked them upside the head or pistolwhipped them.[/q]

    Uhhh, how about just reminding them how such an action is preceived?

    And folks complain about the way Gun Owners are depicted...

  26. @ The Sev;

    Well, yeah. But, remembering what St. Bob said -- an armed society is a polite society. You have to stop and think WHY that might be...


  27. The pager pal characters grabbed me at NGD and I complained to the show management. I explained that each of their accostings could reasonably be seen as an assault, and that they (the management) were now on notice that it was going on.

    And that some un uniformed, off duty police officer or SEAL just back fro
    m Iraq might break someone's nose or arm on suddenly having a "gun" stuck in his ribs.

    Alright, it's spooky again. The captcha is "CLESTERS", which are the small groups of Cletii seen outside gun show entrances.

  28. True, true Mark. Still, actually BEING polite has to happen as well.

    "Cletii" Man, that's a threadwinner there!

    I'd say more, but I'm choking on my coffee right now.

  29. What caliber for Cletus' Crotch Crickets?

  30. "Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just glad to see me ?". My apology to Ms. West.

  31. You people probably don't want to know how many days it's been since I've changed my underpants.

  32. Maybe this company also sells a gun oil.


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