Thursday, June 16, 2011

I swear this is true:

Some guy is being interviewed on the TeeWee in the next room and, as God is my witness, he just said "Rep. Weiner is giving Congress a bad name."

Seriously? Can you even tell when a skunk farts?


  1. I can honestly say that Weiner hasn't changed my opinion of Congress. He did reinforce it a little.

  2. Ever since this story broke, I've been reminded of the one-liner about the little kid who wandered around town with his teeny-weeny wagon: It's usually heard as "teeny wienie waggin'.

  3. Really, compared to other congress-critters, this whole thing seems pretty minor...his one mistake being getting caught. The only thing he seems guilty of is being too dumb to understand how the internets work and tend to blast things all over the place. There may be plenty of other reasons for wanting to kick him out, but a dumb incident that wouldn't have been noticed if the media had some other story to obsess about doesn't seem to merit it.

  4. cj,

    As I said elsewhere: "Do you not understand that it's not your digitalized trouser snake handling that America is bent out of shape about now, but rather the utter lack of judgment, sneering denials, Münchhausen-esque fabulations, crocodile-teared faux apology, and pouting refusal to give up the perks of office?"

  5. Tam. Amen.

    I'd only add, that the rest of the sociopaths in congress haven't reacted strongly to this as most normal people because back in Das Captital, that's what's known as "Business as Usual"

  6. As repulsive as Weiner's behavior is, the people of his District chose him (more or less) to "represent" them. They CAN choose someone else to represnt them next time.
    On a scale, this is reprehensible and juvenile personal "behavior" and frankly pales in the scale of things that Congress has done, many of them during my lifetime, that have ruined this country.
    Department of Education thugs door-kicking? Shooting citizens in their houses? Driving people out of legitimate businesses (c.f. "raw milk" and the FDA as merely the latest "ought-to-be-an-outrage, but apparently it's not really"). Congress has at the least enabled these abuses and in most cases compelled them.
    Resign? I prefer that Weiner committed seppuku, but I'd druther have Shumer, Feinstein and the rest of that lot step up to the blade first. I'd settle for Weiner's wife publicly kicking his ass...

  7. Seriously? Can you even tell when a skunk farts?

    Now you're maligning skunks.

    But, I suppose, much like skunks can't really do much about their stench, congress critters can't do much about their stench either. Except lie. And tax. And regulate. And pontificate. And write bad laws--don't forget that one.

    WV: bilke

    Yeah, I forgot that one. They do that too.

    Gotta love captcha. It's almost like it's sentient. And it's really sad that its snark goes to eleven, but mine tops out at about 6 or so.

  8. "There is no distinctly American criminal class - except Congress."
    - Mark Twain

  9. Seriously? Can you even tell when a skunk farts?

    Yannow, that's a very interesting question. I have a cousin who keeps one as a pet, their personalities and eating habits approximate cats. I will have to ask him.

    VERY cool pets, by the way. Once the scent gland is removed, of course.

    WV: Blegos. What Blago will be doing when he meets his new wife in the stripey hole.

  10. My opinion of Congress couldn't get any lower short of them finding Pelosi and McConnell sacrificing babies in the basement.


  11. Pelosi and McConnell already sacrifice babies in a location near you.

    Not that I say that as if it as a bad thing.

    "These aren't the droids... er, hostilities you are looking for..."

  12. It wasn't the lascivity, it was the dishonesty. Putting himself in a position where he can be blackmailed, and then elling whoppers about it like he did in public, loses him his security clearance.

    Without that, his work on the Energy Committee is going to stop, as they handle lots and lots of secret info regarding military nuclear facilities.

    As for the skunk fart question, the skunk doesn't go around eating tacos all night, then sit on your lap, fart, and lie to you about who the smell is coming from.

  13. "It wasn't the lascivity, it was the dishonesty. Putting himself in a position where he can be blackmailed, and then elling whoppers about it like he did in public, loses him his security clearance. "

    If he'll lie about this, what else will he lie about?

  14. Rick - you ask the wrong question.

    What won't Weiner (or any other member of Congress) lie about?

    I'm stumped.

  15. Dang, Tam.

    Sometimes I read stuff like, "Seriously? Can you even tell when a skunk farts?" and I wonder why I even try.

    Then I see "Do you not understand that it's not your digitalized trouser snake handling that America is bent out of shape about now, but rather the utter lack of judgment, sneering denials, Münchhausen-esque fabulations, crocodile-teared faux apology, and pouting refusal to give up the perks of office?" and I think I'll take the night off.

  16. Ex-Rep Wiener represented part of New York City. If you removed the relatively few smart people who work in the financial district, the collective IQ of NYC would approach absolute zero...

    cap'n chumbucket.


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