Thursday, June 16, 2011

War Powers Chicken.

Dennis Kucinich, who is kinda like the version of Ron Paul from the mirror universe where Spock has a beard, is leading the charge to cut the purse strings for Barry's Libyan adventure:
...Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, an anti-war liberal who is leading the lawsuit effort with Jones, said that the lawsuit will "challenge the executive branch's circumvention of Congress and its use of international organizations such as the United Nations and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to authorize the use of military force abroad, in violation of the Constitution."
Looks like Barry's gone a War (or two) Too Far.


  1. I like the fact that Kucinich is at least consistent with his opposition to wars, no matter what party the President is from.

  2. "kinda like the version of Ron Paul from the mirror universe where Spock has a beard"

    Set phasers to Imperial Overreach.

    Shootin' Buddy

  3. Of course the Kucinich bed-wetters who called Hillary a "War Monger" and Barry-O a "Republican" don't show the same consistency.

    Nope now that Jesus 2.0 in is office Wacky Dennis can get the hell under the bus and check out the drive train while he's under there.

  4. @Bob: is that the "stopped clock is right twice a day" principle?

  5. "They told me if I voted for John McCain..."

    WV: corto. Or, kurz, or short, or just .380 ACP...

  6. Lawsuit?

    Well, I suppose since he couldn't get Congress to agree with him that they should direct the President to pull out of Libya, that's all he's got.

    He introduced a resolution; it was roundly defeated, so now he wants the courts to force the President to... obey an order Congress never had the balls to give him?

    Consistent and crazy, that's Dennis.

  7. It's nice he's all "challenge the executive branch" about this, but where was he with circumventing the constitution with Obamacare? It's not like the only constitution circumvention going on up there is about "kinetic actions".

  8. So, like, where is the measure to impeach the President (which just happens to be one of the responsibilities of the House of Representatives)?

    Where is the measure to, for goodness' sakes, censure the President, something the house can do and has done in the past?

    I mean, it isn't like President B. Hussein Obama isn't already defying Congress' power to subpoena members of the administration, and that the President isn't already defying federal court orders to cease blocking permits to drill for oil.

    How is this for a scenario? With all of the foreign crap going on, and the major blunders Barry keeps making -- where is the Secretary of State? What if Hilary is putting words into B. Hussein Obama's mouth, forcing him to blunder out of the next election, so that Hilary looks like the 'savior' of the Democratic party??

    I would have thought that any sitting President would have been so unhappy with a Sec'y of State that stays this low-profile with this much crap going on, that the Sec'y of State would have been fired long ago. Face it -- Hilary gots the Pres by the short and curlies. And if Obama doesn't declare and emergency and call off the next election all together, then it might well be Hilary C. on the head of the ticket.

  9. Graybeard,

    I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. I'll take my allies where I can find them, be they as distasteful and sporadic as Kucinich or Bachmann.

  10. Kucinich is a wacko, but he is consistent and he is sincere. That's not too common in Congress these days.

  11. He introduced a resolution; it was roundly defeated, so now he wants the courts to force the President to... obey an order Congress never had the balls to give him?

    Kucinich's position is that Congress had to AUTHORIZE the action before it was undertaken. I don't agree with that, for the most part, but Congress's failure to pass a measure "de-authorizing" the action is entirely different tan failing to pass a measure authorizing it in the first place. His logic IS internally consistent.

    Just because Congress passes or doesn't pass some law doesn't mean they are right or that their decision is Constitutional. Look at the original "Patriot Act" and how many of it's provisions have been modified or overturned by courts.

    I doubt he'll win, but anything that puts a bee in Obama's bonnet has my full support.

  12. tanksoldier,

    "Kucinich is a wacko, but he is consistent and he is sincere. That's not too common in Congress these days."


    A one-on-one cage match between Kucinich and Paul would be something I'd pay to see.

    They may be the last two principled men in Congress...

  13. A buddy of mine claims the answer to our foreign policy woes is a victorious Paul/Kucinich ticket. His theory is that the rest of the world will go, "Wait, they elected who?", and then start backing away slowly while making no sudden movements.

    WV: Embolo, like an embargo, only enforced by giant AI controlled tanks.


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