Monday, June 20, 2011

Overheard in the Office:

I am renewing my car tags online:
Me: "No, I don't want to pay by eCheck. Yes, I want to pay with my card..."

RX: "Oddly enough, the state does take credit cards."

Me: "They'd be a little hypocritical if they didn't."

The government should be the last organization to insist on hard currency as payment instead of IOUs and the-check's-in-the-mail:
"I learned it from watching you, dad!"


  1. I just did the same thing. Of course, there was a 'convenience fee,' but it was cheaper than the eCheck fee.

    Dealing with local government always reminds me of the expanded view of Ferengi culture you see in DS9. Every level must gets its bribe before performing it's assigned 'service.'

  2. Interestingly enough, My local Social Security office refuses to accept cash. Check, credit and debit only.

  3. Same with KY if you need an official driving record. No cash allowed. They must not trust the employees with my $3.00


  4. "I learned it by watching you!"

    Reference link for the kiddies out there who weren't aware 25 years ago.

  5. I believe the proper quote is, "You, alright? I learned it by watching you!"

  6. @ Robert M: Oddly enough, it's the opposite here in VA. They change more if you renew in person, to encourage people to pay online. After all, the more people that pay online, the fewer DMV drones they have to pay to deal with citizens.

    It actually makes some kind of sense, which is shocking from a government agency.

  7. But, Jake! The president just informed us that the Internet and ATMs are job killers. I think we need to chunk the VA DMV in the same category, don't you?

  8. Jake beat me to it... VA is exactly the opposite...

  9. And Tennessee insists on cash with your CCW application...

  10. ...I'll point out that Indiana's state government is Constitutionally barred from incurring debt. Oh, they have some ways around it, but stil.l...

  11. I'm actually more surprised by a lack of hypocrisy in government.

    wv widinin: the gap between reality and democrat is widinin'


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