Thursday, July 28, 2011

Does it have ads for Spatula City?

There are two trends in retail today. One is the humongous box store that carries everything from groceries to snow tires, and the other is the little shop that focuses laser-like on a single product category, like batteries or printer cartridges.

Similarly, magazines can cover wide-ranging topics, like Wired, or they can be very, very specific.


  1. Don't forget dollar stores, which make their customers feel sort of icky, as if they just finished performing in an 8mm arcade loop as they walk away with their purchases.

    Mike James, who is not projecting, not one little bit.

  2. Wheel of Fish!!!

  3. Spatula City is the very first blog ever to link to Neanderpundit.

    WV: Exhackno. Draw your own conclusions.

  4. Hey, didn't that magazine have a feature article last year with Trace Adkins and his ten tips for the best "Honky Tonk Badonkadonk"?

    Dann in Ohio

  5. I know there's such a thing as perfectly sculpted cabooses (caboosen, cabeese, cabii?) out there, but knowing the cover shot is guaranteed to be photoshopped kinda takes some of the fun out of it.


  6. It kills me to see 'Magazine for Women' on the cover because as a man walking by, I'm going to assume the things being done in that magazine are for my benefit, and not the women', didn't they watch 'King of the Hill? Some guys have flat butt issues too!

  7. Location, location, location...

    ostraci: those who are about to be ostracized salute you!

  8. I'm obviously getting behind in my reading.

  9. Now I can't help but think of all the poor kids that won't get the Weird Al reference... but then I remember those same kids probably aren't hanging around here.


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