Monday, July 18, 2011

It's important to keep our priorities straight.

"I wonder how the debt limit negotiations are goi... OMG! Thank heavens that Cheap Trick's okay!"

In other news: Ice Station Zebra II!


  1. At least Casey Anthony got bumped from the #1 spot.
    Silver lining and all that....


  2. This reminds me of what David Codrea refers to as the pH factor.

  3. Maybe you need to tweak your Pulse feeds? But, probably just the same on all the MSM outlets. Gotta prioritize and latch on to what's important. At least Britney, Lindsay and Paris weren't involved.

  4. Ed Rasimus,

    Sadly, that was straight from's front page this AM...

    Oy, veh!

  5. But the Cheap Trick story is the only new thing on that list.

  6. Hey, Justin Bieber has a new cologne out!

  7. No one should have to smell my Bieber.

  8. Because you all invoked the names...

    Q. Britney, Lindsay, Paris, Casey Anthony and that Justin Bieber kid were all riding in a car when the car was struck by a speeding freight train and completely demolished. Who was saved?

    A. America!

    Oh--and Cheap Trick is still around? What county fair or or grocery store grand opening were they playing at?

  9. @Murphy's Law - good one. Cheap Trick was playing the Ottawa Blues Festival (Ottawa, Canada not Illinois) They're still big in the Midwest. I have a cousin (54 yo) who has fond memories of them playing his H.S. Homecoming Dance. Yes they're getting up there in age.

    wv: reosafe. Gee I hope REO's safe (another Illinois band)

    Now that's scary

  10. Everybody already knows the country is gonna collapse. But the Cheap Trick thing is news.

  11. I find the Cheap Trick a fitting metaphor for what I wish would and will happen to the house of cards that is our government, this way we can get onto the business of picking up the mess and rebuilding.


  12. C'mon,Tam, it's from Collaborationist News Network, not exactly an organization dedicated to informing folks.

  13. Now, really, what we need is to find a way to combine best part of the first headline and the worst part of the last headline. Something like "Congress and Obama collapse on stage while resuming cheap trick on debt talks."

    Unfortunately, the only way it makes sense is that Obama and Congress are unhurt after debt talks collapse, and resume their cheap tricks. Sadly, we already knew this.

  14. So nowadays 'populations either growing or steady and healthy is defined as 'playing havoc with the bear population'?

  15. Mummy's alright, daddy's alright, they just seem a little weird... Fun in Germany at the Zeppelinfeld, a long time ago.


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