Monday, July 04, 2011

Slow start...

Happy Independence Day to all of you people inside my computer!

Just got back from Locally Grown Gardens with a couple of bottles of Fentiman's Dandelion & Burdock soda, one of which I am sipping now. I also purchased a dozen eggs laid by local free-range chickens that get weekly aromatherapy sessions and shiatsu massage treatments. I feel very Broad Riparian.

We're going to fry some up along with a bunch of bacon, which will make me feel very American, perhaps American enough to head over to the local fireworks stand and see what they've got in stock...

EDIT: I have no idea what they feed those chickens, but these eggs are delicious!


  1. And to you and Roomie, O Mistress of Snark!

  2. There's a lady that used to work where I work. She calls in every week or two and takes orders.

    Since she retired, her and her husband started raising free-range yard-bird for eggin-purposes. I'm always good for at least two dozen.

    Them's the best eggs I ever eated. Yolks are almost closer to orange than yellow.


  3. Free range eggs are usually a lot darker due to a better diet and more sunlight.

  4. And the same to you Ladies! :-)

  5. We vote with our wallet. Continue asking for the stuff (like eggs) that suit your needs and delights. That is the kind of reward that keeps the good things around.

    Anne McCaffrey (SF author) once pointed out that if you like a book or author, don't lend that book to someone you think might enjoy it. Buy them a copy. That sends a signal to the publisher and author that the book was enjoyable enough to want more.


  6. The Same to the Free Women of Roseholme!

  7. Chickens are omnivores... those that are allowed to hunt and munch on bugs give much richer eggs. They're as much better for you as they taste better, too.

  8. Of four eggs, we had one with an ORANGE! yolk, I mean sunset-loud, two very bright yellow and one (1) that was only slightly brighter than the factory eggs.

    They are good, too. Cheap, they're not, about 2X the "Eggland's Best" we usually get.

    ...And I'd have 'em for brekky very day, were it not for my vow of moderation.

  9. Well, my pullets enjoy a fresh daily salad bar of lawn (bluegrass, ryegrass, plantain, white clover), oats and wheat from the local elevator (soaked in water for a few days so it starts to sprout, sweetening it as it converts starch to sugar and vitamins), plus a shovel full of dirt from the garden for them to pick through and play tug of war with whatever worms they find.

  10. Inside your computer? I thought you were inside mine? Whichever the case may be, happy Independence Day to you.

  11. I have it on good authority that the best eggs come from chickens that are fed chopped up bacon and the grain left over from making beer and whiskey.

  12. I thought it was the Magic Elf Box. Thet would in turn make me a magic elf Tra la, such is life. Make sure you wake up with the same number of fingers as the day before.

    Here in God's own Houston, we were treated to a view of the International Space Station in a patch of sky unimpaired by pyrotechnics. Also awesome.

  13. Hey! Did'ja ever think of vacuuming *inside* here? Those fan blades over there are so fuzzy they look like they need a shave. [Sheesh!]

  14. They let them eat bugs and grass and weeds and give them just enough feed to make sure they stay close to home. Chickens choosing their own diets is what makes them have a better color, flavor, and nutritional quality to their eggs.


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