Wednesday, July 20, 2011

That's pretty cool.

I've been doing the blogging thing for a few years now, so this shouldn't have caught me by surprise...
But, once I owned the thing, I was like, huh, guess I ought to learn about this. So, I started doing some internet research. That research led me to Tam’s place, View from the Porch.
...and yet it did.

I remember various columnists and/or cartoonists (Lewis Grizzard, Berke Breathed) that I followed all the way through high school and into college... It's weird to think that I've been doing this blog long enough that other people see it that way.

(And to reader "jetaz": I didn't grow up around guns, either, and it was a high school US Government 121 teacher that caused me to register to vote and buy a Ruger 10/22 on the same day, too. :) )


  1. Excellent, and recognition well deserved, in my opinion.

    You didn't start me, but you help keep my gas tank filled with your shooty goodness.

  2. The "Over-protective Papi Gene" kicked to "on" position soon after my daughter's birth. (Fleeing carjackers scared the crap out of me when I realized how little defensive capacity I had at hand.) In my travels, I found you via Lawdog. And, while we don't always agree, I do find your musings, at times, inspiring.

    I'm also drooling over a Henry BigBoy at Turner's...

    By the way, how's your smile doing nowadays?

    Ulises from CA

  3. The "Over-protective Papi Gene" kicked to "on" position soon after my daughter's birth. (Fleeing carjackers scared the crap out of me when I realized how little defensive capacity I had at hand.) In my travels, I found you via Lawdog. And, while we don't always agree, I do find your musings, at times, inspiring.

    I'm also drooling over a Henry BigBoy at Turner's...

    By the way, how's your smile doing nowadays?

    Ulises from CA

  4. Sorry for the double post. Windows Gremlins, you know .....! :(

    Ulises from CA

  5. You were big 'guns' that I found when I started all this, too, Tam. If there were a Blogger Distinguished Service Medal you would have have earned it with oak leaf clusters by now.

  6. “Awarded for individual contributions to gunblogging that are recognized as being so exceptional in scope and value as to be equivalent to contributions normally associated with positions encompassing broader responsibilities.”

  7. Well... even though I believe you're a tad too cozy with the whole Obama thing, I still like your blog.


    Wish there were more like you Tam.

  8. I don't know exactly how I found VFTFP, but I'd guess Instapundit. Stuck around not necessarily for the guns, but because I'd suspect we're within a year or two of age and thus have some of the same perspective on the events in history and pop culture. I won't say how old I am so I don't blow your cover. If forced to admit it, I'm 29.

  9. Fantastic! When I come here for the free ice cream I always walk away with more than I thought I would get.

    I too do not recall exactly how I found VFTP, but I am glad it is here! I will come up for a Blogmeet as soon as I can.

  10. Easy...I came here from the sadly departed Kim du Toit's former hangout...

    Never regretted it.

    Just hope Kim is doing well, wherever he landed...

    cap'n chumbucket

  11. I got here via Ravenwood. That was the first blog I started reading, and started going to his links. One of the first was VFTP. Back in 2005, while I was recovering from a heart attack.

  12. Just had to say I so miss the wit of Berke Breathed's Bloom County, characters, and other comics... ohh the wisdom of Opus!

    Dann in Ohio

  13. I don't know if I've ever thanked you, but I think you left the first comment ever on my blog.

    I don't think I ever said what that meant to a new blogger. I'll fox that presently.

    I would guess that if you've effected other people like me, that you're a Double Plus Ungood Thought Criminal, an Enemy Of The State, and based on your (virtual or literal) blog children) a Wrecker. Maybe we'll be in the same Camp (come the revolution) where we will continue our subversive plot ...

    Ever the optimist - as you know - I don't think we'll come to the Dark Days that some fear. But if we do, let me be the first to say that if I have to go out, I'd go out on your stick.

    Probably with the family backing us up.

    P.S. I don't think we're anywhere near The Battle of Athens stage.

    But if we are, I'll make the journey.

  14. OT, but I just heard Atlantis come in. Bump!...Bump! I have emitted a blog post about it. I remember one time, years ago climbing up on the roof on a clear night with teh kitteh when a shuttle was going into a polar orbit with an unmentionable AF payload, and we watched the whole thing, the solids falling away, the pinpoints of the SSMEs shaking in the binoculars, all the way to brennschluss.

    One of the few good times I've had in this miserable place, that was.

  15. Ancient Woodsman6:43 AM, July 21, 2011

    I wandered over here from Mr. Rawles place.

    You were gracious enough to put in a sympathetic comment when we lost our dog last year. That was nice, coming froma stranger.

    By far, VFTP is a good brain massage most any day, and your blogroll makes a short hop to other such places Many, many thanks from this end.

  16. I came via the Lawdog and stayed for the firearms and snark.

  17. I followed you (and Lawdog & Preacherman) to your respective blogs as you stopped posting on THR. I've learned quite a bit at all 3.


  18. I believe I came here by way of Uncle, and have stayed for the smorgasboard of weapons-grade snark and brilliant insight. The fact that you're a gunnie is just icing on the cupcake.

    Keep on keepin' on.

  19. I think I came here through Rawles as well, and stayed for the knowledge, snark, and shared worldview. And a brief hello in Indy from the end of the kids table. :)

    DSM indeed.

  20. I miss Lewis Grizzard to this day. Still have all of his books as well as the handful of books about him.

    We lost one before his time. . .


  21. Hmm, I remember reading the posts of this witty, erudite lady on 'The Firing Line' and 'The High Road' and wondering if she had a gun-centric website. Indeed she had; alas it was seldom updated. But shortly after that she started her own blog and I've been here ever since.

    Mostly silent, but always appreciative.


  22. I was also directed to this most excelent site from Kims place.

  23. Casa Tam is my first stop every day. I come for my daily bread. You, Miss Tam, and friends, serve it fresh, crunchy, toasted, and covered with yummy stuff.

    In 1966, or so, I discovered I didn't have the skill to compete at Camp Perry, so I kinda lost interest in guns even though a gat was a required tool in my kit for thirty years.

    It wasn't until I retired in '93 and moved from the big city to the country, that I began to become a gunnie.

    How and when I got to your place is a mystery, but I sure am happy to be here where all the cool kids hang out.

    By the way, didja hear last week about the guy who so wants to legally wear one of those colendar thingys folks wear on their face, he lists his religion as Pastafarian? No joke (I think). You can read all about it here


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