Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Gratuitous Gun Pr0n #55: KRISS Super V

From the LuckyGunner blogger shoot: A KRISS Super V with EOTech and Da Switch.


  1. What are all those zits on the side for?


  2. I reckon it does not detail strip w/o tools. ;)

  3. The KRISS is very high on the list of "guns I want to shoot". If they cut the price in about half it *might* make it on the long list of "guns I might buy someday".

    Not a knock on the KRISS, but a comment about what a cheap bastard I am... ;)

  4. I wanted to get my hands on the KRISS guns but I decided to take advantage of the free pistol training. I figured that would be more practical since I haven't had much formal training. It's one of those kind of regret it/kind of don't things.

  5. Lordy, but that is one FUGLY gun! I'd be curious to shoot one, but sweet bleedin' jeebus, that is one of the klunkiest, ugliest things I have ver beheld.


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