Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Now that's austerity we can believe in!

To show how serious they are about slashing costs, Congress has eliminated the congressional page program, claiming that it cost $5,000,000 a year (that's almost one mile of interstate highway!) to do something that had been effectively rendered obsolete with the invention of text messaging and email.

From now on, if congresscritters want underage minors to sexually harass, they'll have to ring out for them and have them delivered on their own dime just like everybody else; they'll no longer be considered a perk of the office to abuse like the free postage.


  1. "Here's the Pizza you ordered, CongressPerson Pelosi."

    "Come here, Big Boy, and I'll give you a Tip."

    "No, Mrs.Pelosi, that's okay. No, Please, leave your Blouse on, Help, Somebody Help!"

  2. Gary Studds is rolling in his grave.

  3. > From now on, if congresscritters want underage minors to sexually harass, they'll have to ring out for them

    You're my hero today Tam!

  4. Barney Frank said he is willing to fill the void at a reasonable price.


  5. Barney Frank has already cost the nation far too much.

  6. Dare I say that an appropriate theme song for this post would be "Turn The Page"?


  7. Only the House, the Senate is keeping theirs...

  8. I don't know the current exchange rates. How much is that in Interstate Sound Abatement Wall Designed To Coddle The Ears of People Who Wake Up To Realize They Bought A House Next To A Highway?

  9. "How much is that in Interstate Sound Abatement Wall Designed To Coddle The Ears of People Who Wake Up To Realize They Bought A House Next To A Highway?"
    A whole lot less than the "Noise Abatement Zones For People Who Wake Up To Realize They Bought A House Next To A Naval Air Station (also known as Va Beachians)".

  10. Barney Frank will have to buy bookmarks if he can no longer just bend the page over.


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