Friday, August 12, 2011

I've solved the dependence on foreign oil thing...

On learning the news that a second grandiose FDR Memorial is going up (apparently the one in DC isn't enough for our beloved Benito from Hyde Park) I propose that we grab a bunch of copper wire and wrap up my grandmother's coffin in the stuff. Her grave will be easy to find, since I'd imagine that 15,000 r.p.m. emits a fairly piercing whine.

I never heard her refer to him as anything but "that liar Roosevelt" with a venomous tone that made the one used for people who tracked mud on her nice carpets sound like a conversational chirp by comparison.


  1. FDR is gradually getting the blame he deserves.

    It helps that we have a President trying his same tricks and getting the same results (Depression).

  2. I cannot believe that your lovely grandmother used such awful language.

  3. Funny- a Nazirein Europe, Japanless China, 20+% of Americans on some kind of dole, and 1/1700th- oops, 1/1800th of an ounce of gold dollar- are all his actual memorials.

  4. "That liar Roosevelt would come on the radio... I heard him!... and say 'Again and again I say to you, your boys will not be sent to fight and die in foreign wars!' and your grandfather was on a boat to France!"

    Grandma would nurse a grudge until it died, and then have it stuffed and mounted.

  5. Smart woman, obviously ahead of her time ;^)

  6. Building such monuments is what folks do for dictators; it'll join the ranks of all those statues of Saddam, Stalin etc.
    'Least nobody's melting down Lincoln or Jefferson to build ObaMao's likeness - yet...

  7. "Liar"? Your gramma was too kind, or perhaps too much a lady to use the language Roo really deserved.

  8. My parents were not fans of FDR but my in laws still belive he rolled on water.


  9. "Grandma would nurse a grudge until it died, and then have it stuffed and mounted."

    I didn't know you were Italian, Tam...

  10. Darned funny, Tam, because I've mentioned putting magnets in the pockets of someone (candidate based on subject of topic) and generating this countries energy.

  11. Yaknow, I would have liked to know your grandmother...I think she and I could have been buddies...

    cap'n chumbucket

  12. I've long found it amusing that the most brazen liar of Presidents is such a hero to Democrats.

    His campaign in 1940 where he promised not to get into WWII when at the same time he was actively planning joint strategy with the British would be the most brazen lie in history.

  13. FDR told some pretty good whoppers in '32 when he ran to the right of Hoover - blaming him for spending too much money.

    He also claimed to be trying EVERYTHING to fix the economy (except lowering taxes and encouraging business growth).

  14. Be sure to attach permanent magnets to the body first.

    Power generated will be straight AC, frequency can be adjusted by proper coiling.

  15. Glad you had that attitude in your Family. My Mother WORSHIPS the Ground FDR Wheeled upon. But Dad thinks Nixon was the Greatest President Ever. (But Dad is Prejudiced, because Nixon did get the Refugees from the 1956 Hungarian Revolution out of the camps in Austria and got them into the States fairly quickly when Ike told him to handle it. And since Dad was one of those same Refugees...).

    Political Discussions around the Dinner Table were Lively, to say the least.

  16. "Nixon did get the Refugees from the 1956 Hungarian Revolution out of the camps in Austria and got them into the States fairly quickly when Ike told him to handle it."

    WTF??? A Vice President that... does something?

  17. Tam, I didn't mean "that" or "liar".

    Funny story though!

  18. Sidebar. Know how to drive "liberals" into a completely slack-jawed yet frothing frenzy? Start talking about how much you hate Nixon. Get them agreeing with you (that part's EASY). Then begin to enumerate the reasons you hate Nixon.

    Talk about busing. Talk about the EPA. Talk about the end to the gold standard. Talk about OSHA. Talk about wage and price controls. Laugh at their puzzled, whipped-like-a-redheaded-stepchild expressions.

  19. Know how to drive "liberals" into a completely slack-jawed yet frothing frenzy?

    From my experience, no outside input is required.

  20. I don't think my grandparents liked the bastard either; I think that 'not in foreign countries' stuff immediately followed by the draft had something to do with it.

  21. "Blue blood socialist" was the nicest thing my maternal Grandmother said about FDR.

  22. From a sidebar in the article Roberta linked to:

    A bust of president Franklin D. Roosevelt...will preside over a roofless memorial space that will guide the visitor gaze to the lower stretches of the East River. [Boldface is mine]

    Architects are not only better at spending other peoples' money than liberals (trust me), they are better at ignoring unintended consequences than liberals, too!

    Had the "visionary" architect given even a moment's thought to his venue, he'd have realized that because of his design, even the pigeons taking a break from polluting the UN Headquarters plaza can now fly on over and express their opinion of the fellow in the peace and quiet of a contemplative "viewing space."

    Thank you Louis Kahn, wherever you are!

    On the plus side, had I not followed Tam's/Roberta's link, I'd have not learned something I was too young to pay attention to at the time. I did NOT know that Nelson Rockefeller was Gerald Ford's Veep.


  23. Tam's grandmother officially makes the list of potentials for slots 3-5 of dead people I'd like to see come back to life. Slots 1 and 2 are already taken by Nikola Tesla and RAH.


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