Friday, August 12, 2011

Tab Clearing...


  1. Charter Arms in .40? Then they should be able to do a six shot in 9mm, right?

  2. That Lindsay guy is pretty off in the weeds. There were US anti-colonial policies in its conduct of WWII. The OSS spent too much time in fact undermining British and French colonial claims in Asia (arguably starting the Vietnam War).

    But Nagasaki and Hiroshima had nothing to do with that. If there was any post-war power considerations embedded in the atomic bombing (subsumed entirely by the project casualty figures of conventional invasion of course), it was the Soviet sweep through Manchuria.

  3. Good God. I thought all the WWII revisionists were dead by now.

  4. Re the Brit: This might explain the insanity of the Post-Thatcher Political Scene in what was once Great Britain.

  5. Is it just me, or was anyone else trying to see Arc Light in the moth's name?

  6. I think I saw 4 hard points under the moths wings for either HARM or SHRIKE missiles.

    I could be mistaken.


  7. "Early experiments with a moth that could light it's own flatulence were unsuccessful..."

  8. Apparently Mr Lindsay has gotten a tamalanche, and is not allowing comments through.

    it must be horrible to have sane people come in and challenge your deeply held wierdoness.

  9. The weirdest claim of Lindsey's is that "de-Britifying" (to use my term) Australia and New Zealand remains a key American objective.

    I guarantee that America does not care that ANZAC use "z" instead of "s", are nominally under the Queen's dominion, and have trade and emigration ties with Britain.

  10. We have those moths flying and raising wooly bears around these parts. Wonder what codes their sneaky little IFF transponders can squawk?

  11. Just as a note on history: once knew a doctor who'd bee in the CIB theater in WWII. Told me that one day a Brit officer started griping about the public-health work he and others were doing because "The diseases and famines were working to keep the population in check, and now you're giving them medicine and DDT and showing them better ways to farm."

  12. I too ran an early cell phone, into the ground in this case. Then I rewired it. When the battery declined to hold a charge, and a new one was US$40, I glued a Radio Shack battery box to it and stoked it with double As. Charging time was minimal. I only gave it up when that network was shut down, even though friends told me it looked like a bomb.

  13. So, instead of cutting the war short through the use of the atomic bomb, we were supposed to accept millions of additional American and Japanese deaths, just to give the British enough time to recapture their supposed empire? Whatever that guy is smoking must be good.

  14. That Lindsay guy is a hoot!! His sky is like an astro-bike crash: earth-sky-mars-sky-jupiter-earth-sky...

  15. Lindsay is truly out there... Wonder what he's been smokin??? And the moth 'does' have some rather interesting capabilties!

  16. Well, let's see if the following comment makes it though Mr. Lindsay's moderation:

    First off, there was no debt incurred for Lend-Lease aid rendered during the war. Britain only had to pay back post-war aid. Furthermore, the equipment Britain wished to keep after the war was sold to it at 10% of its nominal value.

    I'm also pretty damned certain that Britain was quite happy, thank you very much, to be able to walk into Malaya and the part of Burma that had not been re-taken by the time of the Japanese surrender. Certainly the Canadian veterans of the Burma campaign that I knew were very happy. Odd, too, that Britain went on to fight a Communist insurgency in Malaya a decade after WWII ended. It's almost like they still controlled it. Unless the Communist insurgency was secretly (ever so secretly) an American plot, too.

    The bit about Australia is the goofiest damned thing I've read in a good while. That's certainly one theory I'd never heard of before. It's about as credible as the theory that the Royal Navy carried out the Pearl Harbor attack in order to bring America into the war.

    It's all bollocks, anyway. Everyone with an real knowledge of history at all knows that America's actions were really driven by the worldwide Jewish conspiracy, which is itself actually only one of many front groups of the Universal Catholic Conspiracy. You have got so much to learn, little grasshopper!

    -- Testikleez the Magnificent!

    [word verification: begran. I begran to get a brain cramp after reading Mr. Lindsay's lunacy.

  17. Has anyone heard whether or not the latest incarnation of Charter Arms are better than a brick for self-defense?


  18. >Has anyone heard whether or not the latest incarnation of Charter Arms are better than a brick for self-defense?

    Haven't heard, but they say it's the same frame as the Bulldog, and that's the fave of crazy murderers and Satan worshipers everywhere.

    I wonder if they are coming out with the 10mm version next year? What's the point of a .40 revolver if it can't also take 10mm?

  19. RE Looney Lindsay: AMC is now running An Outpost in Malaya, with Claudette Colbert and sum dood, 1952, in which a rubber planter and his wife have marital troubles during a native uprising.

    Seem pretty British...

  20. Standard Mischief,

    "I wonder if they are coming out with the 10mm version next year? What's the point of a .40 revolver if it can't also take 10mm?"

    Since it doesn't need moonclips, that means it headspaces on the case mouth. If they did a version that used moon clips, they could ream the chambers a bit deeper and it could use .40 and 10mm with clips and 10mm without... but then you'd want to dispense with the clipless sprung extractor, because sure as God made little green apples, some numbnuts would try and use .40 without the clips, headspaced only on the little ejector nubbin, and that would be a lawsuit waiting to happen.

  21. >Since it doesn't need moonclips, that means it headspaces on the case mouth.

    Ah, I understand. I thought it used some sort of Medusa mischief.


  23. Mr. Lindsay,

    Does it hurt when you try to think?

    Again: Other than British Malaya and Hong Kong, which imperial possessions in the Far East had not been reconquered by Crown troops by the time we made Hiroshima and Nagasaki glow in the dark?

    If you're going to speculate wildly, at least try to make said speculations grounded in something that, when squinted at, bears a faint resemblance to fact.

  24. That's darned funny with the bear. They love bird feeders. My good friend had me over last bear season to stand guard on his bird feeders right outside his back sliding glass door. We had a .375 H&H magnum and a 300 Winchester magnum leaning against the wall, watching Indiana jones movies waiting for him to come in. About midnight he showed up. My buddy beat me to it. He shot the bear through a 8" sapling to pre-exand the bullet from his .375 before it hit the bear at about 25 feet. Not yards. He slid the door open, put the barrel out, and BAM!. We went to bed, got up in the morning, and tracked him down. He hadn't made it 100 yards before he died. Pretty cool bear hunt.


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