Sunday, September 25, 2011

Embrace the suck.

I watched the weather this morning with the hopeful intensity that people who are bad at math watch the chick in the sequins pull the numbered ping-pong balls out of the Lotto drum.

I was about as pleased with the result as your average person who pays the stupid tax, too.

Looks like I'm wearing the waterproof boots and taking a raincoat to class today.


  1. I don't care much for rain coats. Never found one that would actually keep one dry, and did little but multiply the misery of working in the rain.

  2. I'd rather get wet. I don't mind being wet, really. OTOH it's bloody hard to keep shooting glasses clean enough to see through in rain. A gimme hat doesn't offer a lot of protection, and a boonie hat can actually make matters worse.

    Rain-X helps, but not a whole lot, and some lenses don't like it.

  3. Good grief. BTDT, in rain, snow and sleet...FWIW the best set up I've found for range training is a rain suit i.e. pant's and coat, position the elastic waistline and coat hem for access to your pistol and mag's. Other's I know prefer a good poncho.

  4. I can only wish. We had a brief celebration this morning as our fire danger has been upgraded from EXTREME to VERY HIGH! WoooHoooo! Still no speakable rain and the winds are picking up. Could you do us a huge favor and send the rains our way? We would gladly take it.

  5. So, you are not using the covered portion of the range at Iggle Crick? You are down range by the berms?

    Shootin' Buddy

  6. Never needed a raincoat: A combination of dirt and natural body oils creates a waterproof covering. All you have to do is not shower for a few weeks, and the water rolls right off.

    Not to mention the advantage in close combat that gives you...

  7. I threatened rain but we didn't get any, instead we got President Jughead on a fundraising mission from hell, rousing the helicopters at Moffett Field...

  8. On one hand, I got very wet. On the other, "oh good, my gun works fine in the rain!"

  9. SB,

    "So, you are not using the covered portion of the range at Iggle Crick? You are down range by the berms?"

    Yup. Only way to do it when there's lotsa shooting on the move.

    And there was LOTS of shooting on the move. And it was another great class. I had one of those total "light bulb over the noggin" moments that makes gun school worthwhile...

  10. Aw, you spent all summer begging for rain, and now that you get it, what do you do? ;)


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