Friday, September 30, 2011

I swear to you I'm not making this up.

"Je suis le seul homme qualifié..."

A French U.N. firearms instructor (allegedly wearing a SERPA holster!) walks into a training class...

...and shoots himself in the leg.

I... I just...

Wow, every snarky comment I'm thinking of typing here winds up sounding like I'm trying to gild the lily. I mean, this is like the Platonic ideal of fail, compared to which all other fails are merely shadows thrown on the cave wall.


  1. It's too easy, and yet it's hard to come up with a topper.

  2. He had to shoot himself because he couldn't figure out how to surrender to himself.

  3. He'll receive both a medal for bravery and for being wounded in action, being one of the rare U.N. troops who fired shots and took a bullet.

  4. Doesn't surprise me one little bit.

  5. I'm trying real hard to remember how to say "I'm the only one..." in French; "Je suis..." is as far as I can get without laughing hysterically...

  6. And to think that the US Marines just adopted the SERPA as their issue holster.

  7. After the laughter dies down we can ask ourselves just what the blue-eyed hell is the UN doing with firearms instructors...

  8. I can't stop laughing... Everytime I think I've stopped I start again. I wonder if he said "Je me suis simplement tourné" afterwards?

    Word verification is sting. Yeah, it probably did. No, I'm not making that up.

  9. Dear God, please tell me he failed the recert.

    Wait, that was in Massachusetts? I can't wait until JayG gets ahold of this one.

  10. I swear people are more defensive about SERPAs than if you insulted their first-born. I wrote up a little physiological/psychological analysis of this style of holster and it felt that people were considering sending me death threats, and how things never happened to them.

    Yeah. It hasn't happened to you. Until it does.

  11. UN? French? FireArms Instructor? That's 3 Unpossibles in a Row! Did I slide into a Parallel Universe or Something?

    Next thing you'll tell me is that the British Cops are going to be carrying Guns.

  12. "I swear people are more defensive about SERPAs than if you insulted their first-born."
    Could be part of the whole Mike Noell GOTTA-BE-All-CAPS Witha EXCLAMATION MARK!!! fanboy thing...

  13. I have a SERPA. I use it for work. Many of the people I work with use it as well. We have never had a problem. However I am aware that there are certain possible shortcomings with the holster. If I had it to do over I would have purchased something less controversial.

    See not crazy at all!

  14. Actually, further reports indicate it was caused by push-off. Apparently French service pistols are not drop-safe: when the hammer hit the ground, the weapon discharged (the first time ever), striking the subject in the leg.

  15. "the Platonic ideal of fail"

    Yep, pretty much.

    Was he doing force on force with a German instructor?

    ZerCool, last I checked they were using SIGPros, so I doubt they aren't drop safe. What the UN (really? they have firearm instructors? whatever for?) requires on the other hand, I have no clue.

  16. Maybe he's jonesing for a job with the DEA? They're the only ones professional enough toBANG!

    WV+pykstrom. How many pysktroms does it take to make an angstrom?

  17. ZerCool,

    "Actually, further reports indicate it was caused by push-off. Apparently French service pistols are not drop-safe: when the hammer hit the ground, the weapon discharged (the first time ever), striking the subject in the leg."

    Do you have a source I can link?

  18. He was the only one in the room who was French enough.

  19. I think ZerCool was playing with the "never shot, only dropped once" joke.

    wv: tammic -- so we can hear Tam better.

  20. Ah! I See What He Did There. :D

  21. He thought it was one of those gag guns that shoots out the little flag that says "BANG!"

    Only in France, the flags are white...

  22. There's gotta be a joke in there somewhere, but the closest I can get is something like "What's the sound of a one-legged frog hopping?" Answer: BANG!

  23. LPF: That will do quite well.

  24. I doubt he was literally hoist by his own petard. You can only fit a petard into a Uncle Mike's, not a SERPA.

  25. SERPA - a holster which requires you to press and hold down a trigger to release the gun from the holster and leaves your finger in close proximity to the gun's trigger after the gun comes out of the holster.
    Yeah, what could go wrong with that?

    (Face Palm)

  26. I wonder if BATF should start smuggling SERPA holsters into Mexico.


  27. The Only Ones: The meme that keeps on meme-ing.

  28. I would join in the poking fun, but having nearly had an ND today at the range, I'd best keep my mouth shut.

    No Blackhawk! SERPA's were involved either.

    WV: werier You damn betcha I werier now.

  29. "Mes étudiants, ceci est ce qui à ne pas faire."

  30. Gun Shy knows exactly what happened. The U.N 'instructor' was trying to figure out how to take the knot out of the barrel, and the weapon discharged. :)

  31. It's a strange world growing stranger...gun handling is a serious business, people get hurt or DEA Agent's with big .40's only they're man enough to carry...

  32. And yet again Tam wins the Internetz for her reference to the Allegory of the Cave.

  33. Here's hoping he teaches by example, and that his students take it to heart, so to speak...

  34. Y'know, if you put the pad of your finger on that little unlocky thing instead of the fingertip, it just works better.

  35. I won't be happy until we replace that barrel-in-a-knot revolver with a functional straight-barreled one the same size, one that pivots to face the building and you can put in a quarter and take a shot....

  36. I'd be there with a truckload o' quarters Bobbi.

  37. Now maybe he can tell the USMC what NOT to do with their new holsters.

  38. It's the post-modern version of, "So, this guy walks into a bar..."

  39. Ah, the French...once again they try to show the world that they can step right up and carry their weight...and then they don't...

    Look on the bright side: being in an American hospital, he will find out what a bath actually feels like...

    cap'n chumbucket

  40. Bobbi wins this thread, for obvious reasons.

  41. I'm surprised that no one has re-modelled it into a snubbie and sold the excess for scrap.

    Our local pikeys would have had that off there years ago.

  42. Bobbie just explained why I have had so much trouble figuring out what the alleged problem with my Serpas is--I've been doing it wrong!
    Or right as the case may be,..

  43. The SERPA just needs a swivel.

    That way, you can point it at the enemy before holstering it.

    Might be hard on surrendered enemy.

  44. Thanks Bobbi, now everyone is wondering why I'm rocking back and forth in my chair cackling like I've lost my mind.

  45. Where is the exact citation that he was using a Serpa holster?

  46. " that pivots to face the building and you can put in a quarter and take a shot...."

    Solve the National Debt, that would......

  47. I stopped being able to take Blackhawk! seriously when I saw a SERPA display in the local paintball/airsoft store.

    Probably shallow of me, I suppose

  48. Anonymous 1:26 AM, October 02, 2011: It would take quite a lot more than 25 cents a shot to fund the national debt - or even show a profit after the cost of rounds that size. Make it $5.00, and put another one in Washington. Pay off the national debt AND end corruption.


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