Friday, September 30, 2011

Overheard in the Hallway:

RX: "Well, it seems they decided not to rename Georgia Street. Seems like they decided it might be an election-costing move."

Me: "Why were they gonna rename Georgia Street?"

RX: "Well, with the Superbowl coming, it's going to be a major party street, and you don't want people to think 'Ew, Georgia!' We burned that place."

Me: "Yeah, heaven forbid you're associated with a place that hosted an Olympics instead of just a Superbowl."

RX: "Hey, we hosted the Pan-Am Games!"

Me: "The what?"

RX: "It's like the Special Olympics, but for countries."


  1. The part I don't get is why they can't do what so many other cities do and just give it an "honorary" name. For instance at the intersection of State and Wacker in Chicago there are two signs designating State as "Raoul Wallenberg Place" and Wacker as "Jerusalem 3,000 Way". So give Georgia Street the honorary moniker "Peyton Place" or some such BS. But don't change the "time-immemorial" name.

    Turns out there are hundreds of such "honorary" street namings in Chicago. (Not that we necessarily want to be Chicago, indeed we don't, but at least they don't go invalidating maps by changing the actual name of the street.)

  2. Will the "Great Hoosiers" include Ernie Pyle? And if not, why not?

    wv: "snagn" -- what happens after the powwow.

  3. There's a special hell for people who rename streets and places after the currently fashionable mayor, president, event, product, corporation, etc..

    I hope that when I die, my day-job in hell will be torturing those people.

  4. Why not just call it Martin Luther King Jr. Drive and be done with it? Unless you are racist.....


  5. ....we bring the jubilee?

  6. Sorry Robbie, the Pan-AM or Pan American Games are not "special Olympics for countries". They are Olympic/World Cup level competitions for countries only in the Western Hemisphere, hence the Pan-Am name.

  7. JFM,

    In America, we have these things called "jokes"...

  8. Oh, to hell with Georgia. To be fair, to hell with the North Avenue Trade school, too. That latter place seriously distorted my mind, and I still feel the effects to this very day.

    WV: ingststi. When in the Ga. School of Technology, an sti piece is what you need?

  9. JFM, I have an account at Aspies For Freedom (if Amy hasn't banned me) and I got that one. Really, if you pay attention and think a bit, and have some experience, you can get most jokes.

    Not only that, but this is asynchronous communication, here. You don't have to respond immediately (not that that ever stopped me) but have time to think before replying.

    Some of us take time to drink before replying. Please think, or drink, or both. The curse of the Internet is people who neither think, nor drink.

  10. Oddly, Indianapolis has (or at least had, I'm assuming they maintained it) one of the best rowing courses in the United States, in our very own Eagle Creek Park. That sucker was built for the Pan Am games, and it's the course my high school team used.


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