Saturday, September 10, 2011

This just keeps getting better...

Yet another Fast & Furious gun is tied to the murder of agent Brian Terry.

Even better, the Feebs have known about it all along and sat on the evidence to protect a confidential informant.

Even as we speak, some Phoenix, AZ attorney is on the horn with the Yellow Pages, getting the text of his back-cover ad changed:
"Have you or someone you love been shot by a gun provided by the ATF? Call 1-800-SUE-FEDS!"



  1. I get so tired of saying "if this had been done by a Republican administration..."

    Maybe the lawyers are the way to go.

  2. It's an understatement to say "This is a major betrayal of the public trust."

    Only the Left could get away with this.

  3. Tango Juliet:

    The right can be just as dirty.

    Using cocaine trafficking to fund a COIN op ain't exactly bein' pure as the driven snow ... just sayin'.

    The only reason Iran-Contra did not reach the Whitehouse was because, unlike the clowns on the left, Olly North was willing to fall on his sword to protect Reagan.

  4. Oh, and the bit about the weapon the feds disappeared being the CI's personal pistol was just lovely.

    The fucker probably helped execute the border guard.

  5. I wore my Gunwalker shirt to the vet this morning. Once again, I got looks, but no comments. Can't tell if Hooterville is afraid of it, agrees with it, or doesn't have a clue. Bets, anybody?

  6. My Gunwalker shirt drew lots of commentary on Monday. :)

  7. Oh, and the FBI provided the guy with $70,000 'seed money' to buy the guns in the first place....

  8. If they get away with this-and judging from the response of the drones, they will-then they will likely do whatever the hell they want with impunity, forever.

    Assuming they aren't doing that now.

  9. Wait until the bodies start showing up in Chicago (cf. Gangwalker and Indiana).

  10. Perl:

    Sean Sorrentino did a short run of t-shirts with an AK on the front, and the words (his comment) "Am I the only person on the planet who didn't get guns from the ATF?"

    I'm wearing mine again tonight to the GBR dinner.

  11. Right now it's just a dead LEO... no biggie as far as the administration is concerned... and the Fibbies ARE in this up to their eyeballs.

  12. Heed Ken's comment.

  13. I wonder if this was an 'informant' like Whitey Bulger or Sammy Gravano? And if so, just how many bodies they overlooked to 'protect the informant'?


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