Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tab Clearing...

  • How come I had never been to Bacon Salt's homepage?

  • Check your carry ammo. "But I only use quality factory ammunition!" No, seriously: Check your carry ammo.

  • The Wrongest Thing On The Internet: What exactly is the penance one must do for laughing 'til one's sides hurt at a reenactment of tens of thousands of human beings being reduced to radioactive ash, set to the tune of "Yakety Sax"?


  1. Lets do one set in Asscrackistan, same tune, better footage and NO special effects. Just live action at it's finest.

  2. Sorry, couldn't laugh. It had to be done.

    We have enemies that are willing to do that to us.

    Are we ready?

  3. I myself prefer the baconaise to the bacon salt...makes one tasty burger...

  4. On checking your ammo, about two years ago, when my wife got her Taurus PT709, we went through the rituals of trying various brands of ammo to make sure everything feeds. The only ammo we came across with a dud in the box was Hornady Critical Defense (9mm, 124gr JHP). The design of that little gun allows you to drop the hammer on a round that didn't fire as many times as you want, and the primer was clearly dented from the firing pin. Empty primer? I'll never knew, I threw it downrange in a moment of PO. Besides, I didn't have reloading equipment back then.

    Maybe I don't shoot enough, but that was the only centerfire round in any caliber that I've ever come across that didn't go bang. I've had some .22 LR, maybe one or two per box of 500 in various bulk vendors. But never a centerfire round in handgun or rifle caliber.

    And that's the kind of thing you'd never see by inspecting the rounds.

  5. Regarding Worst Thing, it's the same dark humor as the 'Built in America, Tested in Japan' or B-52 and mushroom cloud 'Now it's Miller Time' T-shirts. Laughing at something horrible, because your only other alternative is to cry. As for the necessity of the bombing, Bill Whittle said it best of all in his PJ video reply to Jon Stewart, and I whole heartedly agree with Bill.

  6. It was, on balance, a better deal than Operation Olympic woulda been. And in a world where that is arguably true, I don't know what the hell else to say.

    Of course, I'm the guy who sat through every episode of Victory at Sea over breakfast last spring (why is a dull story), and my main thought was, "Look at all that wealth and productive capacity being turned to mud and rubble."

    But as Wouk rightly pointed out (if you've never read War and Remembrance do yourself the great favor), sometimes Abel's next-door neighbor is Cain, and when he is, what else is there for it?

  7. Re Worst Thing: Well, I used to wear those "16 Empty Missile Tubes, a Mushroom Cloud on the Horizon, it's Miller Time!" T-Shirts. Of course, since I served aboard a Pac Fleet Boomer, and my Off-Crew Barracks was on Ford Island about a 100 yards from the Arizona, it was considered appropriate attire for Liberty when I went Downtown. And if any Jap Vets visiting Pearl Harbor were disturbed by it, well, they were the ones who needed to do Penance, not me.

    Wonder what the Ohio-class sailors are wearing nowadays?

  8. I gotta agree with the non-penance folks. All things considered (NOT the NPR show), when you recall that their home guard was training housewives and children on making and using bamboo spears and daggers for when we made our landings there, everyone is in the war, whether they admit it or not. You want messed up? My thoughts were Die Hard's "YIppie ki-yay, motherf*****!" and "I got your Rising Sun RIGHT HERE!"

  9. I was already close to falling out of my chair, but when they started the fission with the big-top section of the song I damn near peed myself.

  10. Back in the early 90's, I bought a package of .38Special Glaser ammo (blue tip). It was often in a house gun. A year ago, I decided to fire them. None of them went bang on the first hit! 5 fired on the second strike. One never did go bang. Got it sitting in the safe as a reminder that expensive doesn't always equal good.

  11. Will: Ammo does expire. Old ammo is notoriously problem prone, hangfires are common, etc. Dumbasses who get ahold of old ammo have been known to off themselves by pulling the trigger, hearing it just click, looking down the barrel to see what's wrong, and well after that it gets messy.

    If you bought it 20 years ago, and only now fired it, age is probably a big factor in why it's not working correctly.

  12. Oh, I think your ability to find humor in it depends on your personal dark humor rating. I thought I had a pretty dark humor streak until I saw that. I stand corrected. I'll never find the bombing humorous, or something like this funny, but it's your call to find it funny and I'll let you laugh all day long.

    It's probably just me, but that little video made me sick to my stomach. Different strokes and all that.


  13. Will:

    Weapon lubricant can be hard on primers, especially penetrants like WD-40 and Kroil.

    Don't ammo sit in a pistol for more than a few months, unless that pistol is bone dry.

  14. Tonight's nom noms are sliced cucumbers fresh from the garden sprinkled with jalapeƱo bacon salt for snack.

    Great. Now there's drool on my keyboard.

  15. Kristopher:

    I refer you to this site:

    seems fairly conclusive about those oils not being a problem.

    Also, it would appear that history shows that ammo doesn't die just from age alone.

    A reloader surmised that the primers might not have been seated properly, and it took the first strike to move them to a solid stopping position so the anvil could be hit hard enough. The unfired cartridge might have had the primer located farther out than the others, perhaps. The gun has never failed to fire any other ammo over twenty-some years, and hasn't since.

  16. That Benny Hillifier was sick.

    I knew there was something I liked about you.

  17. Mikael,

    Smokeless ammo stored in a dry place and protected from temperature extremes can last... well, we're not sure how long it can last, actually, since the self-contained smokeless cartridge has only been around for a hundred-and-some-odd years.

    In my Steyr-Mannlicher M1895, I regularly shoot ammo with a 1937 headstamp.

  18. Will: I have seen that post on box of truth.

    It does not reflect my experiences with ammo. I have had ammo fail to long term exposure to lubricant.

  19. What Tam said on the ammo. I have shot 40+ year old stuff with no problem.

  20. Kristopher:

    you are correct, that test is not definitive, it merely shows that a good mechanical seal in the primer pocket can prevent intrusion of those particular products. It does not test how good or how uniform that seal may be on production ammo from the various makers. And, IIRC, Glaser was essentially hand built ammo, so no telling what sort of specs they were held to. In addition, one of those six rounds was never in the gun during those years, but sat in a drawer, since the gun was a 5 shot snubbie.

    I'm reasonably sure no chemicals came near these rounds. I'm considering having a friend pull the unresponsive round apart for a look-see.


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