Friday, October 28, 2011

He's got a point...

Making jokes about insurrection is a bad bad thing, but mobbing in the streets with those calling for it? Well, that's just cool!

As I've commented elsewhere, there's a whole new generation of kids who'll be able to tell their friends that they were at Woodstock.


  1. there's a whole new generation of kids who'll be able to tell their friends that they were at Woodstock.

    Based on the violence, I think that Altamont would be a more apt comparison.

  2. TJIC talked about shooting politicians. These kids are talking about shooting people whose money the politicians want more of.

    Which side do you think the cops in Arlington, MA are on, there?

    I just don't understand why the Occutards aren't chanting "More! Of! The same! More! Of! The same!"

  3. There are huge groups of militants living in the rocky mountain states, there are contingents of open carry advocates with Gadsden flag tee shirts, there are huge groups of unarmed dirty hippies squatting in parks. In all of those groups there are people talking about insurrection.

    I guess I see it a little less black and white. None of these groups is a good thing. They all mean the the normal process is failing large groups of people. One guy was unlucky enough to get busted on a blog post. Sucks for him, but don't try to use it to fuel some persecution complex.

  4. Ramsey,

    You miss my point. If you go back and see the hue and cry that started the TJIC thing, read the various threads on the internet of the people who boycotted his store and called the cops on him, I will be willing to bet you money that some of those very same kids are chanting "Off with their heads!" in the streets right now.

    No persecution complex here, just faint amusement.

  5. Thanks for keeping my situation in your thoughts, Tam.


    (a) Despite the bad economy, I've finally finished paying off the $10k in legal bills from that bullshit

    (b) I've contacted a firearms-specific lawyer in MA and we're starting Phase II. Updates as warranted (I wouldn't expect anything too quickly).

  6. In a Society where the Left is Right, and the Right is Wrong, and Voting doesn't seem to help, there's only one thing to do:

    I just wish I knew what it was, but something tells me it'll involve an Armed Defense against the Loonies.

  7. The difference? This is a Team Blue mob.

    If they win we get - more government, more taxes, more regulations, more bureaucrats to enforce said regulations, more job security for Team Blue folks and placement for those _____ Studies majors in governemnt. So why would Team Blue get all out of sorts over it?

    On the other hand, TJIC is a Team Red (sorta) type - smaller government, less taxes, fewer bureaucrats, therefore less power for Team Blue. Thus he must be stomped.

    Of course, by the time Team Red, with its constituent members having families, jobs, etc finally decides to get seriously mobbed up, Team Blue, in new snazzy uniforms will already be confiscating the means to misbehave from Team Red folks.

  8. Ramsey, I live in a Rocky Mountain state. Why is it that I don't see these "huge groups of militants"? And oddly, the Gadsden flag does not scare me much.

  9. You don't see them because of the camoflage they wear...

  10. I grew up in Kalispell, and my babysitters boyfriend was the leader of Cell 7, served time in jail for plotting to kill the sheriff, and later disappeared into the woods to avoid the feds, so maybe I am projecting a little. I do recall that Ruby Ridge, church universal and triumphant, and Kaszynski were in the area as well. Idaho is a mecca for preppers and survivalists (nothing wrong with that, I like to be as prepared as I can) who traditionally have a strongly anti-government worldview (UN rail cars full of body bags!).

    I am not saying any group is right. I am saying that lumping them together as the enemy is counter productive. I think we can all agree that big government is bad and unfettered greed is bad. There is a huge area of overlap.

    Also, good on the Gadsden flag, great sentiment, but don't pretend that waving it is any less controversial than calling for insurrection. It stands for violent response to over reach, just like "off with their heads".

  11. The goal of the protesters is to get arrested. I rather liked Foseti's assessment:


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