Thursday, October 13, 2011

It's like living in a William Gibson novel...

Apparently some guy in Seattle has stitched hisself up a superhero costume, collected a team of sidekicks, and runs around downtown spraying people he considers "bad guys" with OC.

It's a thousand wonders he didn't get his ass shot.

I'm chalking this up as further evidence that we're living in Bob Heinlein's "Crazy Years".


  1. This guy is at the exact apex of "dumbass" and "awesome".

  2. There was a lengthy article on these guys (there are also a few "guilds" in San Diego, LA, NYC and other metro areas) a few months back in GQ. It's a good/funny read.

  3. OC? Really low rent for a super hero. Your going to need something much cooler, like hypno gas, or freezing mist or sticky goo before you play the big time like Gotham City.

    About the side kick, Robin never dropped any F-bombs. You need an upgrade there too!


  4. In a weird way, it reminds me of the PI Moms caper. People want the fame and fortune that only reality television can provide them.

  5. Wikipedia had a running tally of the victimless crimes and events that were only related by Jones himself.

    He also claims he was shot once, but didn't seek medical attention so there is no record.

    Yeah, Skip the "Awesome" he's a dumbass who wants us all to think he's awesome.

  6. Perhaps he was a little too inspired by the comic/movie Kick-Ass...?


  7. Note that superheros are a big city urban phenomenon. It takes a special breed of sheep [1] to need a superhero to defend them.

    Out here in the Rockies, we don't need no prancing, spandex-wearing weirdo to 'save' us.

    note [1]: allusion to sheep, sheepdogs and wolves.

  8. No kidding, eh?

    This, of course, is the same town where the cops just might shoot you in the back to get you to stop for questioning.

  9. Re the Seattle cop:
    "'In order to prosecute officer Birk we would have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he acted with evil intent,' he said. 'There is no proof of this.'"

    WTF? You don't need proof beyond a reasonable doubt to prosecute the now ex-cop. That's what you need to convict him! He absolutely should be prosecuted. Without a trial, how can the public be satisfied that the internal investigation was conducted satisfactorily? Cops shouldn't get a free pass, otherwise they can just execute regular folks with impunity. Superhero-wannabes acting as vigilantes and not in accordance with the law ought to be prosecuted as well.


  10. i've not had enough coffee to deal with this level of weirdness .... mmm, or should that be 'alcohol'

  11. Just My 2¢:

    Sheep and sheepdogs implies a shepherd.

    I ain't collecting human fleece or mutton for anyone.

  12. Now do you people understand why I drink so much?

    I want to be numb when they come for me. Numb, I tell you!

    WV:bitors. Yes, it is better to be one of them than to be a bitee.

  13. P.s. Weren't the Crazy Years supposed to be over with by now, according to the Future History chart?

    I mean, the ouchies and owies just keep coming...

    WV: acken. Yep, that's the noise I've been maken lately, readen and drinken.

  14. OT (a bit): if you like Gibson, and want to branch out from fiction into non-fiction, you can read The Hacker Crackdown online (free as in speech, not beer) from Bruce Sterling.

    The exploits (so to speak) of Fiber Optik and the whole Masters Of Deception/Legion Of Doom/FBI bit.

    Probably best computer security history ever written, and Sterling deserves major props for putting it online.

    Or you could go watch "Hackers" on Netflix and snark at Angelina Jolie as a Hacker Chick. It sort of demands a "Mystery Science Theater 3000" routine, but I'd think that between you, and Roberta, and LabRat, you probably have the bases covered ...

  15. His costume has a vest built into it. Probably no better than level II, though.

  16. Shot in Seattle? Hahahahahaha, maybe beat to death with an organic zucchini, hahahahaa

  17. Heinlein was an optimist. He at least posited that things would get better someplace, somewhen.

  18. Just found your site. Checking your fave films, was a little surprised not to find Serenity listed. If you really haven't seen it, I'm guessing you'd like.

  19. Let that dickweed and his 'sidekicks' try that in Texas.

    Everyone here has a gun and you spray OC in their face and expect to get sprayed with hot lead in return.

    For you see, as Heinlein said, "an armed society is a polite society'.

    So I bet they stay in Washington State were it's safe for them to assault others.

  20. You need more than Obama to convince you?

  21. I worte a song just for him:



  22. Maybe he was a fan of the "Crimson Bolt". Not that it was a great movie. It seemed to make fun of religion and heroes (God has slimy suckered tenticles, and CB beats a guy bloody for breaking in line). I say "seemed to" because the movie's plot was so clumsy that it may have been unintentional (but I doubt it).



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