Thursday, October 27, 2011

QotD: Nepotism edition.

Dynasty: It isn't just a godawful '80s TV show anymore...
"When politics becomes the family business, liberty goes out the window as fiscal insanity enters through the front door." -Bill Quick on rumors of a Chelsea Clinton congressional run in '12.


  1. And yet, how many decades have we put up with Bayhs, Kennedys, Bushs, Allens, w/o destroying the Republic? Of course, we all know it's those Damn Adams (John and John Quincy) Fault!

    But hey, I guess being a CarpetBagger runs in the family, right Senator from New York Hillary Rodham Clinton? At least Chelsea is starting on the lower rung of the Political Circus Ladder.

  2. Didn't we have a war a while back to get away from the whole family-inheritance-based leadership thingy? Is there some inherent human belief that anything resembling leadership abilities is somehow genetic?

  3. J.Q. Adams worked out OK, but since then, the Bush dynasty seems to be the best case scenario.
    Which seems to be the best argument to get Democrats to not vote for her.
    Although they'll tell you how great Edward Kennedy was as a counter-argument...

  4. @cj: They're Democrats, not democratic.

  5. Ah, right, that's why when real-estate becomes a family business, the same thing happens.

    Oh, wait...

  6. At least Chelsea's not a militant lesbian like her mother...

  7. I'm of the opinion that second generation politicians should be neutered, with the entry incision made just above the collarbone.

  8. Oh, God help us!

    I mind the second Clinton inaugural, with a band playing "The Bride-Elect." (Yes, there is a Sousa march for every occasion.) Chelsea was marching on the street in front of that band. I just shudder when I remember that.

    As an old band nerd, I tellya that sometimes I want to slap some people.

  9. Drang,

    "J.Q. Adams worked out OK, but since then, the Bush dynasty seems to be the best case scenario. "

    And if that's not damning by faint praise, I don't know what is. ;)

  10. Bill Quick for Congress in 2012!

  11. Come on, is there anybody, anybody, who really didn't see this coming? She's been being groomed for the Presidency from the day she was squeezed out.


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