Thursday, October 27, 2011

Darth Vader's sing-along hour...

So I'm running errands in the Zed Drei today when the iPod serves up Madonna. And suddenly I find myself singing along. Sorta.
You know that we are living in an Imperial world
And I am an Imperial girl...
And I'm bouncing along, picturing a music video with our lead vocalist in a Femtrooper getup with a headset mic and all of her adoring supplicants in those black Imperial dress uniforms...

It's a lot of fun in my head, sometimes.

Surely this is so obvious that it has been done already.


  1. I still sing "bad touch inc" everytime I hear "feels good inc" on the radio. I don't know what brain damage causes the automatic manufacture of parody songs out of normal songs, but it is amusing

  2. Man, I wish Darth Vader were in charge. I have a long list of folks in desperate need of some Force choking...

  3. Speaking of which, Sean Lennon sang "Material Girl" for the OWS crowd

  4. You ain't right, little Lady.

    Welcome to the club. Some of us old men do things like that on occasion. They are more guy type things, but the whole thought process is the same.

    And yes. I'm not right either, as I have been told repeatedly, both in person and on the 'webs.

    But just damn it! It's fun!

    You go, girl!

  5. Yeah, I know it's all fantasy stuff, but a suit of armor that leaves the midsection unprotected??

  6. It's not like Stormtrooper armor is worth a damn even in the places it does cover. Lowest bidder strikes again!

  7. Femtrooper....
    Something to go with the wookie suit?

    And as for the line,
    "Guys love boob armor."

    I cannot contradict this statement.


  8. Get your Femtrooper suit ready , we will still have the battlebuggy next year for the grand entrance .. just sayin .

  9. Anon @ 8:14--

    Just remember, "Blessed are the cracked, for they let in the light."

    From one who is slightly off-center to another.

    wv: digna, as in digna-tee is highly overrated.

    cap'n chumbucket

  10. Did anyone else have the image of 30 femtroopers doing the Rockettes dance go through their mind?

  11. No, but this group in the armour did come to mind: Hill's Angels, H/T Uncle

  12. I don't know about you but ... Princess Leia in that slave-girl bikini ...! :-)

  13. Now, see, Tam, there you go with that vocal music. As I said in a previous comment, there is a Sousa march for every occasion. One would think that Our Tam would have "Hail to the Spirit of Liberty" on the player, to be turned up good and loud when she arrives somewhere.


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