Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The girl can't help it...

So, I see that Barney Frank has announced that he will no longer be sucking .. at the public teat, at least in his current capacity as a congresscritter. I'm sure that the taxpayers will be carrying this professional deadbeat all the way to his grave in one fashion or another.

(I'm sorry, the obvious cheap shot was demanding to be taken. ;) )


  1. So... Which Dem is gonna tell Maxine Waters she is too dumb and batshite kuh-RAZY to be the ranking member of the House Banking Committee?

  2. He gets a pretty sweet taxpayer-supplied pension

  3. How is he any different from every other long-term professional deadbeat congresscritter?

  4. He isn't.

    Although I do reserve a special loathing for career politicians that have never held a job in the private sector, such as Mr. Frank.

  5. " Barney Frank..sucking .. at the public teat,"

    Thanks, Tam. Now I've got to go drink that image away.

    Sun's over the yardarm somewhere...

  6. I wonder what the real reason for Barney stepping down is, though?

    MA politicians don't give up power voluntarily, and ol' Barney was in a pretty powerful position as head of the House Financial Services Committee.

    Wonder if someone from Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac was set to talk?

    Or maybe Barney realized that sending his boi toi out to harass his opponents wasn't going to cut it much longer, and better to bow out now then face a bruising re-election campaign?

    In any case, look for him to emerge as a leading lobbyist come February...

  7. >I wonder what the real reason for Barney stepping down is, though?

    gerrymandered district all to hell, his disparaging word for the conservative towns in his district (he called 'em "Utah"), oh and his Fannie Mae Love Connection during the deregulation that lead up to the Great Depression.

    I wonder if by quitting now instead of trying to win at the ballot-box, does he still get to convert his war chest into personal income, or was that a one time deal?


  8. On a related note, it looks like a lot of Rats are Jumping the Good Ship Lolipop. Frank is one of 17 Dems (to date) who have looked at the Redisticting in their Home States and said "I'm Screwed." Up here in Buckeye Land, it looks like "Dennis the Menace" Kucinich will have to fight off another long-term Trough Sucker named Marcy Kaptur if he still wants to be the Commander-in-Loony.

    Unfortunately, Kalifornia has too many people residing within its borders to make this apply to NutJob Nancy Pelosi.

  9. Jay - You can thank me. I left MA and will never return. Now you have lost a Congressional seat. Frank's district may have been the most gerrymandered in the country, so no way to keep it relatively intact.

    Would have happened sooner if you left that hell-hole too. On Sunday the MassPike was a parking lot from Boston to Sturbridge because they won't open up the tolls any more.

  10. I think he is/was about to get caught... and yeah, he'll pop back up as a lobbyist... Gah...

  11. BubbleheadLes: There was some heavy RUMINT that Kucinich was pondering moving to Washington.
    Damned Buckeyes (LOSERS!) still mess up your state after you leave Michigan...

  12. 71's kinda late to be starting a second career as a gay porn star, though, ain't it?

  13. Oh, Tamara.

    You know, when I saw that the happy Congressman from Massachusetts was retiring, I thought:

    "Tamara won't take the easy shot. I mean, if there's one fella she owe respect to, it's the veteran representative Frank, for his years of service."

    I, for one, would never take such cheap shots. ;)

  14. Barney has found that being "ranking member" is no fun after years of being Chairman. And running for reelection in that new district would be work.

    So off to K Street.

  15. Anyone up for a wager on him ending up at Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac?

  16. "How is he any different from every other long-term professional deadbeat congresscritter?"

    Because rather than just being a garden variety vampire, he was actually and willfully doing the wrong thing time and again, and getting a pass on serious conflicts of interest apparently because he was gay.

    He will not be missed. And while I wish no ill on him, were he not live to collect his pension for very long, I'd not be excessively saddened.

  17. Paratrooper JJ,

    "Anyone up for a wager on him ending up at Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac?"

    No bet.

  18. No sweat on the low-hanging fruit. In fact, you may have inspired the Boston Herald crew to headline their version:

    "Just Beat it, Barney."



    And speaking of 10 moa targets, WV is "dersive." I won't touch it. :)

  19. The new districts mean he was in for a tough re-election fight. Or, as they say, "Barney Frank's seat is wide open".

    easy lob right over the center of home plate ...

  20. So, was it a dead boy or a live girl?

  21. Matt G,

    The History Channel, C-Span, and the Democratic party can be depended on to sing praises for Frank.

    But the shine that some extol, and will praise in the books and speeches to come, never looked attractive to many, and his biggest "accomplishments" don't impress me or a few other folks.

    Looking for everyone to look at Frank's tenure as service to his country and his state, and overlook the results of what was done to the US *by his actions*, is disingenuous.

    There is a *reason* the old tale of the Emperor's "new clothes" sticking around for more than a few months.

    Who Barney Frank chose to share his life with doesn't interest me in the slightest. Unethical behavior with regard to money, responsibilities he has taken on, an abuses of the authority he has been granted, that does bother me. If Tam chose some colorful words to bid farewell with, and I paraphrase here, "Goodbye, and don't let the door hit you in the behind!", well, her emphasis agrees pretty much with mine.

  22. I'm sure that the taxpayers will be carrying this professional deadbeat all the way to his grave in one fashion or another."

    It'll take a forklift to get his fat ass to his grave. But lets hope that it's sooner rather than later.

  23. @Brad K: While I really appreciate that you took me seriously enough to write such sentiment that I completely agree with, I was really just writing my above line to stick in the pun "fella she owe" into my writing.

    Too subtle, I guess. Sometimes I shouldn't force it. ;)


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