Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I don't care what they say...

...but once it has started snowing, it's officially winter on the Tamara Calendar.

And it's doing so now.


  1. coming this way.do not want.you keep.

  2. Winter started the week before Halloween here!

    Only got a bit more since...I'll be fine if it stays "Spring" forever now.

  3. It officially became winter here in the last week of October.

    Winter sux.

  4. My favorite time of year.

    Though now I have to avoid 69 even more than I normally try, and fail, to.

  5. I's been pushing 90 out here in Southern Kalipornia. I'd love to get an Alaskan storm out here. This would drive out the lunatics running & occupying the state. And gas prices would crash ;-)

    Ulises from CA

  6. It may snow but it's not actually winter till the solstice.

    Though I might be a bit biased since the solstice is normally on my B-day. This year is one of those odd years but it is the first night of Hanukkah.

    Since around here, especially this year, spring didn't show up till late June, and summer ended beginning of September, I don't see a reason to have a winter longer than necessary.

  7. I feel similarly about spring here in NC. I don't care if it's only February, if the crocuses and daffodils have already popped out of the ground, it's spring.

  8. We're in the mid 50's in NorCal - I'm putting my hands over my ears and going LA-LA-LA-LA-la...

  9. We are gleefully enjoying snow free 30 to 40 degree (F)days here in Minnesota!!!!

    Of course we know damn well it is coming....


    Wonder if that snow blower starts???!??!?

  10. Rain all day here in MoTown. We're expecting snow later tonight.

    Maybe the Christmas decorations in the neighborhood will look better with the snow.

  11. "It may snow but it's not actually winter till the solstice."

    Which in my book reads: Mid point of winter.

    Coming from Quebec, where New England is considered "the south", and where frankly everything south of the Mason Dixon line has two seasons: "Spring-like" and "WAY too hot", all I can say is you've haven't lived until you hear the radio say 20cm ( 8") of snow falling on rush hour traffic in Montreal in early November... "and minor traffic delays expected, in other news, the mayor...".

    Not saying Quebecers are magic in the snow, but we have snow & ice clearing equipment out the wazoo and know which end of the plow is the business end.

  12. Anon 5:44,

    "Coming from Quebec, where New England is considered "the south", and where frankly everything south of the Mason Dixon line has two seasons: "Spring-like" and "WAY too hot"..."

    Which just added to the weirdness of the weather report on this morning's local TeeWee news: The radar showed a big clot of green over Indianapolis, while the same front was the solid blue of snow over Memphis. WTF, over?

  13. Come down to Sellersburg. We've had cold rain for the last 8 days. Wish it was snow.

  14. Here in Northern Nevada, we get snow every month of the year, so that means it's Winter all the time?

    We only have two seasons here: Winter and Under Construction. :)


  15. Which just added to the weirdness of the weather report on this morning's local TeeWee news: The radar showed a big clot of green over Indianapolis, while the same front was the solid blue of snow over Memphis. WTF, over?
    You're a lot further south, and a lot further from the water.

    WV: fanse. Why, yes, we are, although we prefer the more traditional "fen."

  16. Having already spent parts of five consecutive days without electricity* due to snow I have to agree that winter is here - regardless of the date on the calendar or number of hours of daylight vs. dark. Besides, it’s all Al Gore’s fault… (eyeroll)

    * The new solar panels are doing a bang-up job of keeping the new batteries fully charged, though I am sill working out just what I can run with the new inverter.

  17. A Tamara Calendar? What is the format and where do I order my copy?


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