Saturday, November 19, 2011

I'll never get to Carnegie Hall at this rate...

Via Caleb comes this trailer for the forthcoming IDPAtv web-based TV show.

As a thoroughly mediocre pistol shooter, the newly popular hat-cam footage never fails to leave me slack-jawed. I need to spend more time shooting and less time typing about it, or I will remain a thoroughly mediocre pistol shooter for the rest of my days.


  1. IDPA first Saturday of every month at the range in Atlanta, IN. We'd love to have you.

  2. As a shooter who aspires to mediocrity, I must remind myself that even a very modest level of achievement places one above, say, a random selection from the phone book. We come to expect much of ourselves. There is no mechanical reason for all the bullets not to go through the same hole, but to quote a TV cop, "Ma'm, that almost never happens."
    WV:floggi-If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go floggi my Glock.

  3. "web-based TV show"

    I LOL'd. Good one. Is that like one of them semi-automatic assault rifles?

  4. Joseph,

    It works on the same wavelengths as internet radio, oddly enough. :)

  5. They hold matches within 2 miles of my house. I need to start going.

  6. Uh oh, is Tam getting the itch to shoot IDPA? ;-)

  7. "I need to spend more time shooting and less time typing about it"

    Ouch. That hits too close to home, because I've been telling myself that for a long time.

    Unfortunately, the keyboard is a lot closer than the shooting range. It's really hard to motivate myself when it takes more time driving to and from the range than actually shooting.

    I understand that economics and regulations make it difficult to open a shooting range. But I'm still dismayed that the market has failed to meet the demand. Even a proliferation of .22 LR only ranges -- which should lower the barriers -- would be a vast improvement over the current situation.

    And not just for those of us who want to maintain a perishable skill (my shooting ability has perished more times than the proverbial cat), but simply to generate and maintain an interest among new gun owners.

    I'm not much younger than Alath of Carmel IN, who commented in an earlier thread a few days ago,

    "I do wonder about the longer term future. Seems like whenever I go to the range, it's mostly older dudes and I'm the young whippersnapper at 46. If there were hordes of younger shooters out there to vote against politicians who support the 2030 version of the AWB, I'd be a lot more sanguine."

    and I see the same thing he does.

    There may be 6x10^23 gun owners in the United States, with a googol guns among us. But I suspect there are very few regular shooters. And I fear that demographics, economics, and geography will do what Brady, Feinstein, Schumer, et al. could not.

  8. I have seen you shoot pistols. Mediocre????? I think not!

  9. I'm in the middle of the middle of IDPA matches. I still enjoy watching master class shooters get through a stage in half my time. If I had the time and money at my age I might make the front third at best.

    Shooting a night match tonight in TN. I'll enjoy being in the middle again.



  10. I aspire to mediocre as a short term goal!

  11. So many disciplines, so little time.

    You get IPSC, USPSA, IHMSA, High Power, BPCR, F-Class worked out of your system, and they come up with new ones... ;-)

  12. I think our definitions of mediocre might vary a bit.
    I'm a bit above inept, but have a ways to go to get to mediocre.

  13. Mediocre? You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

  14. While full of good points, I'm not quite sure what any of that had to do with the topic at hand.

  15. Someday I hope to make it to the ranks of the mediocre...

  16. Be interesting to wear one of those cams for a range session; see what you're doing without being concentrated on what you're doing while you're watching it.

    Or something.

  17. Not hard to improve on the use of cover at 8/9 seconds in.

    The fact that IDPA is making TV is huge, though. Or seems huge from my antipodean POV.


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