Sunday, November 20, 2011

Is it just me?

So, I was watching Hardball this morning, to be reminded of why Mitt Romney might be a flip-flopping Republican (hawwwwkkk-spit!), but was still obviously the only reasonable choice for a GOP candidate.

They assert this, of course, because only within twenty miles of Beacon Hill does Mitt qualify as "Conservative". Outside of a few coastal enclaves, he's perceived as slightly to the left of the local Democrats and viewed askance as some kind of #OCCUPY_THE_WHITE_HOUSE hippie pinko. There'd be nothing like a Romney-Obama race to encourage Republican voters to stay home in droves, and Barry would beat him like a drum.

Further, even if by some fluke Romney were to win, you'd be replacing a crony capitalist anti-gun politician who was in favor of socialized medicine with a crony capitalist anti-gun politician who was in favor of socialized medicine, but who used a higher SPF sunscreen and wore faith-based underoos. So the players might change, but in terms of policy direction it'd probably be largely a net wash.

Anyhow, one of the guest talking heads was Meet the Press's David Gregory. Am I the only person who can never concentrate on what he's saying because I'm waiting for him to leap across the set and start eating the cameraman's face? The dude is downright simian. He has a muzzle, for Goodall's sake! Were his brow any lower, he'd need to shave his eyebrows to see! The only makeup he'd need to play Dr. Zaius would be a haircut!


  1. Re: Gregory the Monkey-boy: LOL!

  2. Romney is--if not actually final--at least further proof that position is way the fuck less important than the label on the outside. Or in this case, the letter after the name. Because even though he is as you describe, somehow he's totally abhorrent to those acquaintances of mine who root for the D team.


    WV: "torchar" -- What happens to your creme brulee if you get a bit overzealous on the final step.

  3. Democrat candidates usually make me shudder. Republican candidates make me shake my head in a manner barely distinguishable from a shudder. I used to vote Libertarian, but got tired of voting for bad jokes. What's that quote about the only worse form of government being all the others that have been tried?

  4. The news in Iowa is that Romney will be going all out this week/month here. Fortunately, I listen to the WHO Radio (very right leaning) and he will not appear on it. Because they are 'mean' to him. All the hosts call him on his record and he hates it. Just like Tom Harkin (hock, spit). I've met with the afternoon host(I'm nofreakingbody)- Romney refuses to talk with him. All of the others excluding Huntsman have spent studio time with all the local hosts. I missed Santorum (good or bad) at the last gunshow by a few minutes.

  5. "faith based underoos." Classic. I've got to remember that.

  6. > only within twenty miles of Beacon Hill does Mitt qualify as "Conservative".

    I'm about six miles away from the Golden Dome right here, and I wouldn't unzip to piss on him if he was on fire.

  7. I don't attend church anymore but I still flagellate myself every Sunday morning by watching those damn news shows. Thanks to the time difference out here in California, I'm able to read your blog first and it lessons the pain.

  8. Personally, I'm thinking if it came down to a Barry-vs-Mitt match, a whole bunch of states would be drawing up Ordinances of Secession again, pointing out both of them have way too much socialist tendencies and have done nothing to repair the damages their rulerships have done.

  9. Much as a Mass Rep-winger is considered to be a Dem-winger everywhere apart from the two coasts, so is a Wyoming Dem-winger considered a Rep on those coasts.

    I've said it before, I'll say it again. If the entrenched, power-hungry twits in the RNC put up Mitt F-ing Romney as the Rep-wing candidate, I'll be voting Libertarian no matter how loony their candidate, and regardless of whether or not they can win.

    And yet we'll hear the Republican apologists spewing nonsense about how, "Well, he might be terrible, but he's still better than the Won."

    Does it really make sense to ram the same statist, collectivist policies down our throats just because the one doing it has an "R" after their name?

    About the only thing worse than the socialist collectivists enacting their dream agenda is a bipartisan pack of socialists PLUS the fascist collectivists enacting their dream agenda. Enumerated powers and limited government? That's just so 18th century...

  10. No, Tam, it's not just you. Even on my small, semi-private gun board we can't stand him. I quoted you here...

    Hope it's ok, let me know if it's not.

  11. So how do you feel about the Presidential race, really?

    Thanks, well worth reading.

  12. Ya could have issued a beverage warning before the last paragraph...

    Fortunately the Toughbook cleans up easily.

  13. *Further, even if by some fluke Romney were to win, you'd be replacing a crony capitalist anti-gun politician who was in favor of socialized medicine with a crony capitalist anti-gun politician who was in favor of socialized medicine, but who used a higher SPF sunscreen and wore faith-based underoos. So the players might change, but in terms of policy direction it'd probably be largely a net wash.*


    I can only add that each of them is the perfect personification of his entire party.

  14. At least he was a governor, and so has some idea about administration.

    I really liked Sarah. Not only a governor, but also a governor of the only state that has two different kinds of foreigners on its borders.

    I will still "vote for the syphilitic camel, over Obama".

  15. Don M,

    "I will still "vote for the syphilitic camel, over Obama"."

    Keep ordering syphilitic camel, and they'll just stop putting anything else on the menu, as a quick look at the current GOP field will tellingly point out.

  16. R.E. Gregory: Now, let's not drop a load on the Talking Head just because his parents didn't give him the Genetic Make Up of some Blond Hair, Blued Eyed Leg Tingler like Matthews. Let's drop a load on him because he's a Leftist, Marxist Multi-Millionare Socialist Talking Head MSM Flack instead.

  17. Steerpike from the Gormenghast trilogy.


  18. The only difference between Romney and Obama is that if Romney was president, the Republicans in congress would happily go along with whatever wealth redistribution, gun ban, socialized medicine, or left-wing justices that he decided to push. As opposed to the blessed gridlock we now enjoy.

  19. I'll double what Anon @1:20 11/20/11 said: If Romney is elected, the clowns in the GOP will go along with Romney's distinctly non-conservative agenda items, just as they did for GW Bush. Medicare Part D was neither conservative, nor sustainable. None of these entitlement schemes are actuarially sustainable. The GOP would have never supported it if Bush weren't POTUS. Likewise, the real conservatives in the GOP balked at TARP - until Bush's SecTreas arm-locked them into voting for it on the second try.

    The real appeal to Romney for the coastal GOP is that he has the required pedigree papers - Harvard. Everyone else in the race either is missing the pedigree, or they have the bald-faced nerve to think that such pedigrees aren't important (eg, Palin).

    We've had four presidents now with such pedigree papers, the entire SCOTUS is locked up by Harvard and Yale graduates, etc. These people are parasites, eating on the marrow of our nation.

  20. I can understand the distaste for Romney here. I just don't understand why the so much greater distaste for him than any of the other Republican hopefuls - excepting Ron Paul, who has about the same chance of securing the Republican presidential nomination as I have.

    Last time we had a Republican president, we got Medicare Part D, the Patriot Act, the Department of Homeland Security, a massive expansion of the national debt, and two badly mismanaged wars. Got to give the guy credit for not signing any anti-gun legislation, but other than that, it's a pretty dismal record.

  21. @ Don M: If you vote for Romney that's exactly what you'll be voting for. If Romney is elected we won't have two major political parties anymore, we'll have the two wings of the American Socialist Party... national elections will effectively be moot.

  22. @ Anonymous: You, like many, are confusing political party with political philosophy. There are almost as many libprogs in the GOP as the DP.

    THAT is the reason for the distaste for Romney. Choosing between him and Obama is effectively no choice at all.

  23. Anon 5:46,

    "I just don't understand why the so much greater distaste for him than any of the other Republican hopefuls - "


    I have never heard "marginally" pronounced "sō-mŭch" before...

    Hey, you win the Libertarian Purity Contest!

  24. @Tam,


    At this stage, I'd be happy to have the option of voting for diluted, adulterated, polluted liberty.

    Carmel IN

  25. PS, fair 'nuff on the 'marginal' vs. 'so much.' I guess I haven't been hearing a lot of Republican cheerleading around here. I do sometimes detect an undercurrent of "we expected something different," though.

  26. Ah, yes, west, that is why I read Tam's stuff; "it lessons the pain." Knowledge is good.

  27. I'm relatively sure that both used to/will/do wear faith-based underoos, whenever they thought it would get them more votes.

  28. Gnarly Sheen,

    I'm fairly certain that Obama was never a Mormon. Not that he wouldn't convert if he thought it would get him votes.

  29. "Obama was never a Mormon."

    No, but that reminds me of a good one I read somewhere (hope it wasn't here!):

    A white guy, a black guy, a Christian, and a Communist walk into a bar...

    Bartender says, what can I get for you, Mr. President?


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