Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Niche marketing.

Seen on the shelf in the video game section at Half Price Books today:

"Your character must find the dreidel of luck, the menorah of light, and the izmail of doom before time runs out!"

I guess Hanukkah is coming up...


  1. What's the one on the left: Matzoh Clones?

  2. Is there an Occupy Broad Ripple movement? Maybe they're trying to target that market...

  3. I think you got it wrong, this is a game for muslims, and I'll spare you the details, but the victory conditions of the game are that you get Israel and the rest of the middle east is NOT glowing.

  4. That's not very funny, though.

  5. I actually finished the title in my mind, "Jewel Quest" and was more interested in the fact that the title font and design is a total Indiana Jones rip-off. It took me a minute to get what you were getting at. Goober is a little slow today.

  6. I'd think it'd be subjective, requiring different versions of the game tailored for different types of users. To a Jewish mother, "Jew Quest" might involve high-powered degrees & nice Jewish spouses for the offspring.
    Hell, I need to create my own--Hillbilly Biker Hunt! It could be taken another way, too, but I'm thinking of gaining points for collecting old bikes that more-or-less run, for salvaging most of a road-kill deer, for getting out of the hospital with your leg still attached (but possibly ferrous), etc. Game on!


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