Sunday, December 04, 2011

[citation needed]

Scenic Valentine, Nebraska got its corn husked by an alien storm?

Huh. The things I learn at Wikipedia...


  1. It was Rove testing the latest version of the Mind Control Rays™

    Seriously, July in Nebraska. I'm thinking tornado. Or perhaps a lightning storm (is lightning plasma?)

  2. ...and the storm did come down out of South Dakota before socking Valentine, which would make it alien...

  3. Aliens have been experimenting on Nebraskans since it was settled by the Europeans. It explains the freakish size and nature of the Cornhusker football team and the inbred qualities of the rest of the citizens...

    Just think of Cousin Eddie from Family Vacation fame and that explains the majority of Nebraska...

  4. Wiki's history says it's recent, and the 'plasma rays' used to be 'winds'.

    And the 'citation needed' tag predates that edit, apparently.

    Or is the Wikipedia Cabal missing one little detail of what they are trying to hide from the world?

  5. Plasma... rays...?


  6. Our taxes suck and the wind blows too much but still, Nebraska's not a bad place to live.

    Not sure about all these alien storm things though. We get some humdingers here but I'm pretty sure they originate somewhere here on planet earth.

  7. The storms originate from the People's Glorious Weather Machine in China

  8. Has Nebraska got any corn, you know, so we can make the whiskey?

  9. Lotta Swedish aliens homesteading in Nebraska. Mine came from Brady where they had a pony-express station and the occasional Injun walking in off the prairie, and from Christmas 1941 to April 1, 1946 was home to The North Platte Canteen.

  10. Don't forget their other recent claim to fame - the Butt Bandit!

  11. I'll bet you there was a boring high school paper due on this tedious subject and the teacher decided to tweak it and see how many students just copied it wholesale.

    In my high school that was a F paper. I suppose with grade inflation that's and A- these days.

  12. As a native-born South Dakota boy now living in the table-top state (Nebraska to the rest of you), I have hunted the Valentine area.

    I would believe all of this. It certainly explains the locals.

  13. It's been repaired.

    I think Valentine needs an entry in Uncyclopedia.

    Evidence of alien bombardment will not be covered up there.


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