Monday, December 05, 2011

Overheard in Roomie's Bedroom:

The TV is tuned to the local news. The weather radar shows a line of rain stretching diagonally northeast from Dallas through Indianapolis and on towards Cleveland. It's obviously colder behind the front...
Me: "Huh. It's snowing in the panhandle..."

RX: "Is that supposed to be some kind of euphemism?"

Me: "What? No. It's just snowing in the Texas panhandle."

RX: "Oh, good. I was afraid it was and it was just too obscure for me to get it. 'They were snowing in the panhandle all last night'..."

Me: "Hoisting the mainsail. You know... grouting the bathroom?"

RX: "That one sounds gross."

Me: "They spent all their time braiding light bulb filaments, eh? There's a typhoon in Australia."

RX: "That sounds like a polite way of telling someone that they're peeing on their shoes. 'Hey! There's a typhoon in Australia, if you know what I mean.'"


  1. It's snowing here in Albuquerque, too.

    Which might mean I'm not going to work today. I swear to god, these valley desert folks, you get an inch of snow on the ground and the whole city grinds to a halt.

  2. You should have seen it the time it snowed in El Paso, Texas. Twice. There are actually people in this country who do not know what a snow shovel is.

  3. Ritchie,

    I've seen it snow in St. Simon's Island, GA.

    Snow on live oaks and Spanish moss looks weird. I'll bet the gators were confused.

  4. "Grouting the bathroom", Tam? Really? Eww...

  5. I saw snow in Pensacola. Kids were woken by their parents at 3AM to play in it. Melted by 9AM. You shoulda seen the traffic...

  6. I hate it when the barn door is open but the mainsail is sagging and that gets in the way of the typhoon.

  7. I've read that if you take the name of a mid-sized city and append it to the name of an innocuous object, people will automatically assume it's a euphemism for something illegal in seventeen states. The more alliteration, the better. Ex.: "Pensacola potholder"; "Moscow* cartwheel"; "San Francisco steering wheel". Eyebrow waggling and elbow nudging are optional, but encouraged for full effect.

  8. Happened to be driving from Orlando to Tampa the day there was an inch of snow on the ground in Tampa. The real eye openers where the frozen fog in the trees as the sun came up, lots of prisms everywhere made rainbows all over the place, and the only iced over bridge I've ever driven over.

  9. The English language may not survive you two...

  10. What about the Florida pan-handle or the Oklahoma pan-handle? Is there a Main panhandle? Massachusetts looks like it could have a Cape Cod-handle.
    The Texas one doesn't look much like a handle to me anyhow mainly because Texas doesn't look at all like a pan, maybe a shovel or a trowel or some kind of boot-scraper...

  11. I've seen snow on the ground in Amman.

    And this is still hilarious:

  12. When I was attending the MI Geek portion of my AIT at Goodfellow AFB, TX, it snowed one day, a good three inches. Not surprisingly, Middle-Of-Nowhere, Texas, is paralyzed by three inches of snow. Kinda funny to hear the radio announcer saying "The spy school is closed..." though.

    WV: exavyok. Yep, that's what happened to the radio announcer for shooting off his big mouth, they exavyoked him...

  13. 'Hey! There's a typhoon in Australia, if you know what I mean.'

    You ladies can avoid that "weather" pattern by deepening your stance while in the hover position you know. The rest of us could stand a bit closer I suppose, but mostly we just wipe our shoes off on the back of our pant leg while we wipe our hands on the seat of our pants.

    You know that's what you were thinking while reading the first sentence. ;-)

  14. There's a good reason why it's called "snow".

    The word "crap" was already reserved for other purposes.:)

  15. Dirt, it snowed even more in the Oklahoma Panhandle. And yeah, the first snow of the season out here thinned the driving herd pretty well as people re-learned that there are times when mass and velocity are not your friends. The ding repair places will be doing very well this month.


  16. See, the Oklahoma Panhnadle, now there's a real pan AND handle!


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