Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Obviously this proves we need tighter gun con... wait.

No doubt he got the Kalashnikov and the grenades from an American gun show. They told me you could do that on Law & Order.

Someone check the serial number on the AK with BATFEIEIO. It might be one of theirs.


  1. The article discusses the need to avoid leaping to conclusions about the motives of the shooter, but I'm absolutely clear in my own mind:

    Damned Zoroastrians.

  2. They didn't say, but I wonder if the Kalashnikov was a full-automatic?

    There is so much military ordnance rattling around Europe from the fall of the Warsaw pact to the Serbian war of the 90s. I seem to remember that the going rate (again in the 90s) for a bazooka was one freshly-stolen Mercedes-Benz. In Paris?

    But with no border security in the EU, the guns travel where wanted. To Belgium of all places.

  3. Unpossible! The Europeons are so much more progressive than us.


  4. Yeah, but the REAL Question that must be asked is did the Kalashnikov have a Shoulder Thing that Goes Up?

    Of course, I'm waiting for the Press Conference from the Senate and am anticipating Schumer, Finestein, Murry, Lautenburg, et.al. to jump on the Soap Box and start Screeching about how we need "Tougher Gun Laws" to "Prevent such a Tragic Event from ever Occurring here in the United States."

  5. Disband the ATF! The ATF kills Mexicans, and now, Europeans?

  6. Silly gunman, blowing up Belgium is a job for the British and Germans.

  7. WSJ report sez the rifle was an FAL, interesting they mentioned it specifically by name. It would seem a more likely weapon to be used in Belgium, no?

    They also said the gunman died either by accident or his own hand, but specifically not by police. Maybe this will change later, but I wonder what the response time is for Lieges' finest? I assume they're armed, right?

    St Paul

  8. "Just another marjuana releated death." (See conviction charge)

  9. Back in school we had some T-Shirts printed up saying Gavrilo Princep Fan Club. Nobody twigged to it, not even the history profs.

    If memory serves, Princep and his buddies used both FN pistols and at least one handgrenade in the attempt. Plus ca change, plus ce la meme choise.

  10. why is it that these idiots go on rampages and then kill themselves? in whät world does that make any sense? i.e. The recent Hollywood shooting, Virginia Tech, this Belgian incident. if you want to make a statement it helps to be around after the incident. these people are loons!

  11. I thought they kept the grenades on the top shelf at Walmart... out of the reach of idiots...

    Dann in Ohio

  12. Grenades sold in Walmart.....

    Oh what a happy thought...


  13. Zendo: You can bet it was full auto.

    Semi-auto "AK"s are a US regulatory animal.

    With the exception of Switzerland, they are just flat out illegal everywhere else ... so why bother with smuggling in a US made semi?

  14. Same applies to FALs. If it had a fun switch on it when it entered illegal traffic, it was probably still there.

  15. I was training a new guy a few weeks ago. Sharp kid, poli-sci graduate of UC Santa Cruz. We drive around alot in this job and talk turned to gun control.

    He said how anybody could get a full blown AK-47 for $200 in San Jose Kalifornia! I said hang a left and get me to that bank over there I want to buy one of those bad boys as soon as we clock out at the end of the day.

    He shut up after that.

  16. @Ed Foster: Back in school we had some T-Shirts printed up saying Gavrilo Princep Fan Club.
    Where can I order me one of those?

    "Amrani was not known to have any mental health problems and had no links to terrorism."
    Uh, you might want to reconsider this. Just sayin'...

    Is Amrani a Belgian name? Or French? Or something, I don't know, maybe further east...?

    WV: nuslike. Yeah, I'd say he was pretty nutty...

  17. May have been 2 other shooters and may have been related to an "honor" feud.


  18. To be fair, he may have gotten it from an American. It was probably acquired from a BATF agent.

  19. In the photos posted online, I would say the one rifle laying a little ways from a dead guy is an FN-FAL.

    The 'furniture' on it looks something like that seen on the ones used by the Israelis back in the day.

    Evidently, the shooter had a history of weapons and drugs violations and had only recently been released from prison.

    Mark another one down for penal rehabilitation...

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  20. @ Anon 4:00 PM,

    "why is it that these idiots go on rampages and then kill themselves? "

    Um, because when they get the order turned around, it only makes the local news?

    And this guy wasn't making a statement. He was avoiding a court appearance that afternoon, and figured to "hurt" the society that kept blaming him for maintaining his drug habit. Unless the initial report of "two or three others" still at large was correct, and this was actually an assassination. Or friendly fire.

    It will be interesting to see if the gunman was brought down by an armed bystander that didn't want the scrutiny of LEO or press for ending a shooting spree early. That would be one bright spot in what seemed to be a Disarmed Victim Zone.

  21. Per the Belgian press, Amrani was in the business of making "autosears" for AK's, and was caught with 4500 of them.

    He also was under investigation for another rape, and left the body of a woman behind when he started his killing spree. It seems likely Liege's sexual assault rates will drop since Amrani is defunct.

    Psychologically, Amrani fits the profile of an active killer. Of course, that will not stop the demands for "more gun control" in Belgium and Eu.


  22. It did make one wonder... a FAL, grenades...and a revolver? Wonder if the revolver has no prints upon it and Mr. Amrani had no ammunition for it?
    As in, perhaps some dastardly Flemish person was taking responsibility for their own safety in the NPE that is Europe?

    I'm betting we'll never know.

    Based on Europe I'm going to bet no on that, but its curious why he'd off himself while still having some grens left.


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