Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day Two...

...of lying on my bed of pain.

Meanwhile, Bobbi has come down with some horrible bug, too. Hers is different, however, and seems even less pleasant, if such a thing can be imagined.


  1. Sicknesses are like bags of pretzels, or beer, and should be shared.

    Unlike pretzels, or beer, sickness should only be shared with somebody you'd rather not see in a while.

    Perhaps, find some such person, and fax them whatever you have if you can't visit them directly?

  2. Sorry :(

    If it's any consolation, we had it over here, too. Sally's went on for two weeks; I was lucky, I had it for only four days.

    Hope you both feel better soon.

  3. No VFTP content? Now I'm sick.

    Ya'll get better quick or we could have pandemic on our hands!

  4. If it makes y'all feel any better, today is the first day of the week I went to work. Evil bugs are going around.

    Get better soon.

  5. Hope you both feel better soon. Wife is combating serious cold. So far I have escaped..

  6. Just... don't trade viruses. That's even more not fun.

  7. To the both of you; Get Well Soon!

    For most folks, I understand that a using a vaporizer with some Vicks steaming away within helps to relieve a misery or two.

    Might the same thing work for you if you substituted Hoppes No.9 for the Vicks?

    Sunk New Dawn
    Galveston, TX

  8. A house guest we had over the weekend was kind enough to give me his sinus infection. Kicked in big time today... which is my day off this week... of course.

  9. Hope everyone is well soon at La Casa del Plague...there will be tons of SHOT Show announcements to keep up with next week, you need to build your strength!

  10. I hope that you're back on your feet soon.

  11. It is a proven medical fact that cuddling with cats relieves misery!

    So put those furballs to work!

    Get better soon...we lurves both of ya!

    cap'n chumbucket

  12. Get well soon, both of you!

  13. Hope you and Miz Roberta Ma'am get better soon.

    Millions of adoring fans miss their daily free ice cream.

  14. I recommend for sinus, a product called "fisherman's friend" a menthol cough drop.

    It may make the free ice cream taste funny, but it works for me.

  15. Please assure Miss X that she has been mentioned in my prayers.

    I do sympathize with her; I mind the time I was very sick and coughed so hard I think I pulled a muscle in my tummy.

    That was the time the Sweety decided that my plan of letting the fever run wasn't working, once it got up to 106F. She hoicked me into a bathtub full of cold water, and necessarily so, as I was talking funny.

    I do hope and trust that it ain't that bad for Roberta, but if it looks like getting anywhere near that bad, you take necessary measures, hear?

  16. Huck looks a bit like what's called an American Red Tabby; the identifiers for them are a larger than average body and a head that looks under-proportioned for the body, mostly because they're big cats. The tabby stripes are closer to red rather than orange.

    And, having had one - a 18-pound lummox that had very little fat on him - they can be a handful. He grew up with two adult "sisters" who thought he was great fun as a kitten, but when he got to outweighing either (and got to almost outweighing both together) they weren't quite the fans anymore.

  17. Another "get well soon" wish, for both of you.


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