Thursday, January 26, 2012

File Under: "Things To Which I Am Not Looking Forward."

There's been talk of the Teamsters protesting at the Super Bowl and possibly a church group from Kansas.
A "church group from Kansas"? Oh, boy. The Super Bowl in our Super City is going to apparently attract Super Douchenozzle Phred Phelps. (And that's not libel, Phred. A true statement cannot be libelous, and I am sure I'd have no problem rounding up a few million people on short notice who would be willing to testify under oath that you are, in fact, a super douchenozzle.)


  1. Count me as witness number one on the super douchnozzle status.

  2. I would not pay good money to attend the super bowl.

    I WOULD pay good money to see Fruitcake Phelps try to stand in the way of 20,000 rabid football fans who paid stupid money to see the super bowl.

    I'd even bring a mop and bucket.

    Captcha: Craces, and I aint making that up.

  3. "The Super Bowl Host Committee says it's working with Indianapolis Metro Police on how to handle any such disruptions."

    I'm thinking short shotguns and beanbag rounds. With a followup paint round to mark the idiots for all to see.

  4. "And the Scudder Award for the Biggest Super Douchenozzle goes to..."

  5. I was immediately reminded of Cooper's advocacy of the .22 LR in a riot control role...

  6. Drunk football fans versus Phelps. Worth a ticket to see him get demolished.

  7. Phelps is the poster boy for rescinding the 8th Amendment...

  8. Do you know any place locally to buy tar and feathers?


  9. "Drunk football fans versus Phelps."

    Makes me smile.

  10. I'd say he's more of an enema fixture than a douche nozzle.

    Phred Phelps: Enema of the People.

  11. I wouldn't be worried about a libel suit from Fred Phelps, but from other super douchenozzles for being gratuitously associated with him.

  12. If you need a witness, feel free to contact me. I'd be more than happy to testify against the "King of Douchebaggery", Fred Phelps.

  13. The Westboro morons showed up to protest our church brotherhood's national convention this year. The protest consisted of two schmucks standing on a street corner holding their signage. No yelling or anything like that out of them; I just got the feeling that they were going through the motions.

    Pity, I expected more from them. If they're going to be attention whoring douchenozzles, I at least want to see some spittle flying from them as they try to drive their systolic blood pressure into the 300s over who beds whom.

  14. Tam, that's an insult to douchenozzles.

  15. That's Super-Mega-Humongous-Doubleplus-Syphillitic-Douchenozzle.

  16. I have had to deal with that over stuffed colostomy bag spewing forth hatred since I was in college. Back when OBL was still around I used to wonder "If I were in deerblind and OBL came walking down the road with Phred, which one would I tap first, as a greater threat to the US?" As an aside, Phred once harangued my ex-wife as "the whore of Babylon" on the University of Texas campus.

  17. More importantly, it's pure abuse, and presented as opinion/personal judgment, rather than a statement of objective fact that would color the beliefs of a notional independent observer.

    Phelps is a good enough lawyer to know when not to sue; he wants to sue to make money, not throw it away.

  18. I had his daughter, Shirley and a couple others up in my face once. Let me tell ya, that kinda crazy goes deep and there ain't no way you can rationally deal with them.

    I didn't know anything about them prior to that and found out later that getting in your face and fucking w/ you is their MO, hoping you'll hit them so they can sue ya.

    Evil/Crazy like a fox, maybe?

  19. File my name on your list of a few million please.

    I love the fact that our government has absolutely zero power to shut ol' Phred up. I truly do. But would it have been too much to ask for Phobos-GRUNT to have provided the rest of us with a few minutes peace?


  20. The Phelps style kind of reminds me of Mary Madlin O'Hara. She was real good at irritating people. Wonder what ever happened to her.

  21. I don't know why, but I just had to wiki.

  22. Although Super Bowls were in Tampa and not exactly in St Pete, you still had a fair few of them staying the swanky hotels.

    The Super Bowl crowds are not nearly as annoying as the Spring Training crowd. (Which somehow manages to be more annoying than Spring Breakers.)

    Or maybe it's just that it is over in the blink of an eye.

  23. I get that Indianapolis built a new dome, or something, but I think the tradition of having the Super Bowl in warm climates is a good tradition.

    I mean, what is Phred and his merry band going to do if there is a blizzard?

    Not to mention the thought of 20 or 40,000 drunk football fans trying to drive in snow, boggles the mind.

    Why aren't all the conservatives decrying the downfall yet another American tradition?

  24. OTOH, the thought of Phred's gang with their feet frozen to the pavement as 40,000 drunk football fans try to slide their SUV's through the intersection just warms my heart.


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