Thursday, January 26, 2012

Overheard in the Dining Room:


Me: "Hello?"

Man On Phone: "Hello, this is Joe Blowski calling from the AFL-CIO for Tam-air-uh K."

Me: "Uh... speaking?" (Oh, jeez, they're gonna want to know where Hoffa is...)

MOP: "What I'm calling about is we're trying to get people together for a demonstration against the 'Right To Work' bill, and we have..."

Me: "I'm not interested. At all."

MOP: "Oh. We had you down as a member or family member of the Electrical Workers'..."

Me: "I am neither."

MOP: "Well, I'll correct that information. I'm sorry, a..."

Me: "Good day, sir."


Me: "And furthermore, I wouldn't piss in your mouth if your teeth were on fire, ya goddam Wobbly!"
At least the Super Bowl will be over in a week. Lord only knows how long this Right To Work stuff could drag on. And on. And on.


  1. Now that the Child party finally showed up for work and this has passed the house, it should fly through the Senate and be on Daniels desk for signing before the SuperBowl. That's my hope anyway, nothing like a bunch of sad panda union dumbasses to cheer me right up.

  2. Funny. The National Wobbly Relations Board just announced from one of their Constitutionally Suspect Recess Anointmees that they have issued an edict where ALL Businesses MUST turn over the names and phones numbers of ALL their workers over to the Union so as to better intimidate those who do not wish to Unite with the Workers of the World. But the news story I read said it wasn't due to be enforced until this summer.

    That'll teach Indiana to pass "Right to Work!"

  3. Wonka: I said, "Good Day!"

    Grandpa Joe: Come on, Charlie. Let's get out of here. I'll get even with him if it's the last thing I do. If Slugworth wants a Gobstopper, he'll get one.

    Charlie stops, turns, looks sadly at Wonka, his heart breaking, then goes and places the Everlasting Gobstopper on the desk beside Wonka. Wonka's hand closes on the Everlasting Gobstopper.

    Wonka: (softly) So shines a good deed in a weary world...

    Sorry. That "Good day!" rang the nostalgia bells.

  4. So just where is Jimmy Hoffa?


  5. Borepatch: In Grant's Tomb.

    They'll never think to look there!

  6. "Me: "And furthermore, I wouldn't piss in your mouth if your teeth were on fire, ya goddam Wobbly!""

    No, I wouldn't either, but I would pour in gasoline to help accelerate the process!

  7. You musta been busy. There was a perfect opprotunity for some Grade-A chain yanking there....

  8. Not to worry, Tam, the AFL-CIO brass wouldn't bother to ask you where Hoffa is. They've probably still got the shovel.

    But this always gives me a chuckle...
    ... we're trying to get people together for a demonstration against the 'Right To Work' bill, ..."

    And that whizzing sound over the speaker's head is the irony of the situation, passing without notice...

  9. Every minute you keep them on the line costs them. Mailings cost them. I only say.

  10. Make that diesel fuel, gas will flash back into your face.

  11. Prolly the best reason to have caller ID on the home phone.
    I'm sure that's why we've been getting call after call after call (unanswered, of course) for weeks.

    My dad gave his protection money every paycheck to a union, because he HAD to. If right to work had passed in Indiana before he retired, he would been first in line to NOT line the crooked, whining, lazy, socialist bastards' pockets.

  12. "Me: "And furthermore, I wouldn't piss in your mouth if your teeth were on fire, ya goddam Wobbly!""

    Re: Urinary Method of Field Intervention for Dental Conflagration:

    I would not attempt it either, despite the fact that I could do it with far less risk to myself (there's a plumbing issue there) than you ..... but, I have a Duty To Act ... I think, because I have no Medical Direction protocol/guidelines on this, I'd probably just try smothering the flames with a pillow, transport and call for further instructions .....



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