Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thank you, Marc Randazza.

Remember the big Righthaven, LLC stink? The copyright trolls whose business model for making millions was to squeeze it out of bloggers, one dinky settlement at a time?

Turns out Marc Randazza, a guy I'd only known on the internets as a First Amendment fanatic with a wicked funny sense of humor, was a big player in the courtroom stompings that have left Righthaven without a pot to piss in nor a window to throw it out of.

I did not know that, nor did I realize how thoroughly Righthaven was being ground into paste. Thank you, Mr. Randazza.

(H/T to Popehat.)


  1. And on top of that, former Righthaven partner Theresa Erickson plead guilty last August to being involved in ... drumroll ... a Ukrainian baby selling and smuggling ring ......

    Oh my ...

  2. As Instapundit says, "Make the rubble bounce."

  3. ...and then glow in the dark for a thousand years.


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