Friday, April 27, 2012

Overheard at Castle Frostbite:

Quinn: "It's snowing!"

Marko: "It really is?!?"

Tam: "Oh my god, it's snowing. Wait 'til I tell the internet!"

Marko: "I'm not joking when I call this place Upper Cryogenica."


  1. Or as I knew it growing up:

    "The south"

  2. Visitor to NH:

    "Think this snow will let up?"

    Old NH resident:

    "Always has."

  3. Unpossible! Algore said we would all be DYING from Global Warming by now!

  4. Despite my admiration for their "live free or die!" motto and (as I understand it) attitude, this is a BIG reason that I have no desire to move to New Hampshire. I have enough trouble with the filthy white stuff that we get on occasion here in No. Carolina; I'm not eager for it to be a regular fixture in my life.

    Grave doubts as to their ability to make decent biscuits and gravy, fried chicken, or BBQ certainly don't help.

  5. Plus, they only serve iced tea "in season".

  6. We had 4 inches of snow in my neck of the woods a week ago. Snowstorm in april.

  7. At this time of the year in God's Country (tm) the snow stays up in the mountains where it belongs, so's we'll have water in the summer when it melts.

  8. Straub's out, come August.

  9. Noah D,

    You just made my day.

  10. Hawaii is nice this time of year... :-)

  11. Old NFO; The Islands are good _ANY_ time of year, long as your not a "haouli", and like govt. worse than Cali...... JohninMd(help)

  12. Snow in the Mohave Desert in April beats all that.

  13. I'm jealous of both the weather and locale.

    This upper 50s - low 60s stuff is oodles better than the heat a month ago, but when it doesn't get any colder than 35 and rains, bah.

  14. I'm with Dean on this one. I can drive up to the mountain if I was to play in the snow.

  15. Upper Cryogenica is an hour south of me

  16. "Extends little finger from fist"

    Its that cold....


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