Tuesday, April 03, 2012

A request:

Can we retire the term "execution-style" from the lexicon in regard to non-state-sanctioned murder?

When I hear "the murder victims were killed execution-style", it takes me a second to realize that the reporter didn't mean they were strapped to a gurney with an IV in their arm or done up extra crispy in an electric chair, but rather that they were lined up against a wall blindfolded and given a last cigarette. (Actually, I don't think they give them real cigarettes anymore, because those things cause cancer...)

For it to be "execution-style", there should at least be an attempt to make a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham of justice, like a signed confession or a kangaroo court, otherwise it's just plain ol' murder.


  1. Last cigarette being withheld for causing cancer makes as much sense as swabbing an arm with alcohol before beginning an execution I.V. But then again, it's the same country who takes a kid's homemade lunch of turkey on homemade whole grains away, and replaces it with chicken nuggets!!!!

  2. Besides, have you looked at the price of a pack of coffin nails lately?

  3. Oh sure, just as soon as they retire "cop killer bullets", "assault pistol", "high capacity", "high power", "pistol packin' mama", etc.

    I'm sure it's equal parts agenda, laziness, and tradition.

  4. I always thought execution style meant on your knees, hands bound, bullet in the back of the head from point blank.

    I never considered there could be any other meaning.

  5. Boss, should I kill him execution style or gangland style?

    Do whatever is in your heart.

    Fat Tony

  6. The neck shot as described by Anonymous at 7:43 is still practiced in China, along with other methods. Little difference between that and many of the murders committed by armed robbers.

    Presumably you'd be less offended if they tacked on the word "summary" or "gangland-style" before execution.

  7. Bob,

    "Presumably you'd be less offended..."

    In order to be 'less offended', I would need to get offended in the first place.

  8. Shouldn't it also involve twenty years locked in a box?

  9. Why don't they just admit it was Socialist Heroic, and they were lined-up and shot "Che Guevara" style?

  10. Style point: it's travashamokery. They may be recursively invoked: a travasham-travashamockery.

    From Strunk & White. Okay, DrunkenSpite.

  11. While a rather brutal one, at least it IS a style! So, you know, if you're gonna execute someone, at least, you know, you be stylin'. Know what I'm sayin'?

  12. Yup. As an old band nerd, I think there should at least be a drumhead court-martial.


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