Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Watch a pro at work:

Watch Corrine start out at Trayvon Martin, segue smoothly through being caught out in a bald-faced lie on camera, and wind up blaming dead kids on Bush's tax cuts for the rich. Unbelievable.

Part of being a party politician is being able to reflexively tie any random question to partisan politics faster than your eyes can focus.


  1. The lie that tax cuts rob from the poor just pulls my pin. You've got a tenuous situation where between 47% & 49% of Americans don't pay Federal taxes and indeed get paid in form of tax credits for, you know, being poor. No wonder idiots like Rep. Connie Brown get elected, they promise more of the same!

  2. and for chapter 2, its the media

  3. Dear Brooke Baldwin:

    I love you. Please watch your back.

    <3 <3 <3


  4. I'm just amazed it was a CNN reporter that asked her "what was the young woman's name?"...and kept with that line until it was clear she had no idea.

  5. Sadly, this Gerrymander Queen is my representive. One year she wound up running unopposed, and I wasn't even able to vote against here...grrrrr.

  6. LOVE the reporter. I had an image of whoever Ms. Brown was looking at off camers with shoulders hunched and arms out in the Universal Sign of Ignorance over the name of that "other" child. You know, the white one who was just as important, old whats-her-name.

  7. Nice wig.

    St Paul

  8. I thought she was looking for the teleprompter..

  9. I worked with a guy during the Bush years that was like this. So tedious. We couldn't talk about anything for more than a couple minutes before he'd be tying the topic back to that sunnuvabichin BOOOOSH!!!!!11

    I was honestly glad to see Bush go, so I would get a break from all the BDS I was drowning in. Of course, I was a little too optimistic at the time...


    WV: I must be a robot, I can't read these things anymore.

  10. Good Lord...straight outta the playbook..yeesh

    1. More like straight outta compton. Yajizelyo.


  11. Now, the Congressional "Black" Conference is pushing Anti-Gun Legislation, Regulation of Neighborhood Watches, etc. And Vice-President Hair Plugs said that it's time to have a "Discussion"( Progressive Speak for more Laws) on whether United States Citizens should be "Allowed" to have Concealed Carry.

    Must be an Election Year.

  12. Insty has it right: Kakistocracy.

  13. Best line evah?

    When America has a cold, African America has pneumonia.

  14. Bubblehead Les,

    I can only pray that Biden is speaking for the administration and not just off the reservation and away from his handlers on this one.

    I haven't seen evidence that the Martin/Zimmerman incident has changed anybody's opinion of CCW. Toters are gonna tote, and haters are gonna hate.

    If the Democrats want to take a big ol' sloppy lick of that third rail come November, they can be my guest.

  15. So, Martin's dead because of Bush? And here I thought Zimmerman was a registered Democrat.

    Will someone please ask Correia if this is racist, please? I'm so confused...


  16. She sounds a bit like a lady I know who works in the County Assessor's office. Same depressing mix of stridency, self-righteous certainty and bull-goose lunacy.

    It's times like these that I'm somewhat grateful people like her are in government. Could you imagine how much worse shape the economy would be in if the likes of Connie Brown were in business?

    Imagine being a department manager and having Connie Brown working for you. There would be an interesting campaign ad.



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