Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na!

It is my pleasure to report that Dick Lugar, six-term US Senator from the state of Indiana, former mayor of Indianapolis, a sort of anti-Cincinnatus who has not held a real job... nay, has been a hog at the public trough ...since the year before I was born, is going to need to move his stuff out of his office and start handing out resumes on K Street come January.

I have to say that this was an upchuck long in coming; rarely have I filled in a circle with a No. 2 pencil with such savage glee. It's long past time that this particular boil on the arse of the body politic was lanced, so good riddance, Dick; couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.


  1. I saw that this morning on Drudge -- I knew you would be happy!

  2. Yeah! You're next Orrin.

  3. Maybe he'll buy a house here now.

    And I hope the DMV and registrar is all over his ass come renewal time if he doesn't.

  4. I note that the fishwarp still can't get over it. At least not on their website. Nice front page this morning in the dead tree edition, though, even if Tully is still whining beneath the fold.

  5. Heard that last night on the radio.

    I mean, the guy must hate blasters solely because his last name is so similar to one that oozes cool.

    Sorry to hear he'll be...not counted among the 8% unemployed for long.

  6. The CBS Radio news-readers this morning were all Sad Pandas about Lugar. Much blather about "reaching across the aisle" and such. Weren't the Vichy puppets in WWII France vilified for "reaching across the aisle"?

  7. Congratulations, Indiana!! I hear Lugar got beat like a bass drum. Now if I could jest git shed of my own personal Congress-critter, Rep. (choke,cough) Steny -God-give-me-strength- Hoyer....(what the heck kinda name is 'Steny', anyway?) JohninMd(help!)

  8. John,

    The only relief for the headache and queasy stomach that is the People's Republic of Maryland is to move the hell out of it. I did, years ago, and never looked back. Admittedly I only lived there for a year, but that was long enough...

  9. "couldn't have happened to a bigger Dick" There, I fixed it for you.

  10. I doubt he'll be handing out any job resumes for 2 reasons; one, he will be the ultimate inside-the-beltway lobbyist for his few remaining years, and, two, his retirement package from the Senate would probably fund the national budget for a central American country for a year or more...

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  11. "So Long! Farewell! Auf Weidersehn! Goodbye!"

  12. If only there were a way to deny him of the lush package of benefits that Senatoids get when they leave office...

  13. Tam, you're 37? I could have sworn you were only 28 (ducking and holding a trauma plate behind my head)

    At least now some other so-called republicans will hopefully start to realize, "Yes, it can happen to them as well." especially if they don't get their butts in gear and start following the Constitution, that they have taken Oaths to uphold.

  14. Anyway we can arrange things so the door DOES hit him on the ass on his way out?

  15. 99 more incumbents is where it should stop. Then reset in another 6 yrs. with a new set.

  16. It's seldom that the TV news makes me laugh out loud, but seeing this last night did the trick.

  17. Never trust a man whose antecedents can't even spell Luger right.

  18. Year before...?

    sigh...where did I leave my walker...

  19. Twats like Lugar are why the 17th amendment needs to be repealed.

    And for the love of Deity, look at Patty Murray, my (G-d help me) Senato-droid From WA. Dumber'n a pallet of cinderblocks. And not good cinderblocks at that. That twit actually got elected on the fact that she actually owned tennis shoes and could put them on all by her own self, just like a big girl.

  20. One down and a BUNCH to go...

  21. "Pour l'encouragement des autres"


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